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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. So got the clues from above and you were sorted , thanks petrol head, JW
  2. or pay another engineer to reset the codes for you then you can do what you want , and hope it doesnt mess up
  3. ah i just got that lol need plus 10 for that !
  4. Javed H always on the ball
  5. Told you your hardcore Apprentice if your working with someone who knows how As an expert blagger I don't take on sites which I don't know about , and don't really know what he's on about Just assuming what I have learnt from the men here , it's an IP system and there using rtsp or something to view all the cams in one room or onvif or another NVR to register the cams over a link Or as you say ivms on pc? Typical I didn't read your thread properly you already said all that, who needs manuals lol
  6. Are they ip cameras? Don't worry about petrolbomb he's just hardcore bloke
  7. Most have hard drives or you purchase separate Not sure about server connection, some nvrs have external storage connections etc don't think this version does unless hik has a way for you to do it which wouldn't surprise me they do all sorts But that's over the top for what you want really
  8. Yes that's one way of doing it , but if your sticking up three or four cameras get an 8way NVR less hassle in future
  9. So pressing where cable goes onto connector restores power , so maybe dry joint cracked joint or get a new keypad
  10. You could get an NVR with two network ports stick cameras on one side and internal.network on other , then you can set the app bandwidth etc That's what I do at home , kids on mission with laptops hogging the bandwidth lol
  11. What alarm is it anyway ? Model?
  12. Why not let him supply the door contact and pay his price ,instead of trying to supply your own Many walk once customer wants to supply equipment
  13. Just installed? Ask the engineer who put it in to hand code over , at same time you sign up to say all warranty void and he no longer is responsible for system etc I suppose he wants more than your willing to pay to fit a door sensor?
  14. Ah ok doh! Far from it tho lol
  15. Yes we came to this country , to learn how to be real alarm men , but they talk to us as if we don't know how to twist leaves together and make the circuit, maybe I find forum in Wales they have different rules there .... (Please read in African accent )
  16. Good advice , start with basics of port forwarding first And cover your web cams incase the mods get your IP and want to take a look
  17. You need to port forward on the router do you know how to do this ? In basic terms Access router go to firewall or port redirection or whatever it is called on your router Port forward the http port and the rtsp port to the ip of your recorder , in Samsung if it shows you one number then that is the one your forward if it is a range like 554-558 , then 558 is the one you would use to connect to it in the app But a range of 554-558 is also forwarded to the DVR if needed Or something like that What router you got
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