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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. Good thing all these new comers about , industry will change and get rid of the old monkey hags Hello by the way Then amazon security will be there , with drones to electrocute the intruder , and Alexia telling you how it is !
  2. So as you said reconnect your sockets and dialler so dial tone is in correct place
  3. Being an expert blagger I used to think why you guys give everyone a hard time , but most stories I read here are supper blag, At least op admits he's trying to fix it , Op if you still reading this nothing personal lol , but system like that will take lonnnng for you to fix ,pull the wallet out
  4. Iol, but they don't go out much in the heat , like Spain finish by 2/3pm and relaxing
  5. Hardcore advice , now where can I find an alarm man , has to do the fix max £80 , anyone? So you need new panel keypad etc , stop flagging around and skip the hunk of junk Or get an engineer who will jump start it and say it will keep going for another ten years and don't upgrade it like anything else , the old style Nokia phones are back to
  6. Shouldn't be a problem , but I would say when you switched to fibre the socket it's connected to might be disconnected Manually check you have dialtone with a phone The informa will still dial without dial tone When it dials you hear the dialling on the speaker , but you should hear the dialtone to
  7. Sorry you mentioned firmware..... Normally associated to texe
  8. Is England match shown out there? Do tavcom do online stuff? You tube is not bad ,some manufacturers have tutorials on it
  9. So no sound whatsoever ever from speaker?
  10. What happened to the door kicker ? And did your panic button reset or snap?
  11. But you can get 6core that is dearer than 8.......
  12. Any local engineer could reset it for you, have you called any yet?
  13. I don't use enforcer but I thought there was a remote keypad you could put on , enforcer will also be easier to programme and problem solve imo
  14. What do you check with and how? Do you do a tach test or load test or what's your preference?
  15. Proper These old boys like to arc and burn inside lol
  16. If it triggers some other way then yes possible In terms of bagging sensors , can't see a problem with it, not sure why you took it apart to bag it , unless cable short , you should carry fuses if you the work regular geezer , I have a box , if you don't have exact you could get away with lower amperage fuse , just don't use fag paper , fag paper still available anyone ? Of course if it's the hold off supply fuse then as jw says
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