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james.wilson last won the day on July 12

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About james.wilson

  • Birthday 18/02/1977

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  1. Tbf tsi used to have some info line this. It got removed when I came back from the dead. Dave had lots of info like this useful to the diy service types which is what I mean.
  2. You can with a link. I'd avoid the sounder option the strobe or as noted app is better. The big Galaxy's can do whatever you want, should you is a different question.
  3. Is that even an option. I don't know visonic but the kit I do know you can't default peripherals as they don't hold any config.
  4. However i do wonder if a guide for things to check on a service could be posted? Systems do need servicing more than regular battery chnages
  5. I'm saying it needs a service as a minimum that will also confirm if anything is damaged (it will be but maybe not fully failed yet) Like a car etc it needs serving and you can either get it done or service it yourself
  6. I'm assuming not serviced in that 8years? It will need a service as a minimum. Battery is probably dead and charging circuit damaged or failed.
  7. There isn't a universal type ie the security of the system needs to be maintained. Also not all panels support all peripherals I'll have a look at the docs and see if the Eaton fob is supported. Iirc that's a newer fob for the ion
  8. It will only work with Eaton units it won't work with generic units
  9. I'm a fan. This will help him. But why can't we disagree without wanting to kill the other side
  10. This is what id focus on vs being a bug. Get some log entries look at actual facts etc Ive tested Orisec Detectors at length (granted not panels) and not found serious issues. Trus the hardware to start with, get yourself an audit trail and log and it may wall be obvious. It Usually is. No manufacturer is daft enough in the professional security world to release unstable code. They would be removed from the market in that heartbeat.
  11. Agreed but on the upside its a light on a stick vs a baloon
  12. It seems the user code has changed then. You will need a valid user code to access the system. I doubt this is a big as such unless it's pre release hardware. Do you have other user codes fobs etc?
  13. What happens if you use a use code. An engineer shouldn't normally be used to silence an event. Whensilenced what is the event flagged as
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