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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. Sounds to me you will be like previous owner , won't spend on it, and get a texecom engineer in, hence the problem with bell and anything else , either way you need to pay someone to reset it do something for you If you load defaults it won't brick it no , but you will lose all information and start from scratch , so aswell as whatever faults still exist , a load new ones will appear Your probably thinking you can just buy a new panel and do it yourself , well good luck with programming it , it isn't the easiest of panels to work with if you don't know what your doing Just being honest get a texe pro to help you , it will be worth it , or try loading defaults and hopefully within 6months it will be working how you want it to, paid extra for system , used unserviced
  2. No it won't work No you can't make it work and if possible waste of allot of money Switch to app system and pay monthly for good service
  3. Something as old as this needs scrapping , I suprised you managed to make this post with such and old phone ?
  4. Ion 16 discontinued, and won't do the app best to scrrrap it Ion40 will do it
  5. It doesn't ask you to press ESC..... But good DIY bashing ......
  6. 1hr travel each way? Setup Analyze Get pallets of doom in order 4hour? £150?
  7. So much the same changing polarity changing output type and so on all in programming Well done for remembering
  8. I didn't say panel reset ? What's bell tamper got to do with bell trigger? Other than than that look through menus and manual you will see both options on what you can and cannot change
  9. So then if panel isn't faulty you may have changed the polarity by mistake Make sure it's neg and do a panel restart before testing it again And of course as above did you change bell delay ....
  10. Your making this far to over complicated Have you not ordered one yet ? Buy one on eBay or Amazon that you can return if it doesn't work to what they say it will do very simple Long story dude , hit that button buy it man
  11. Something like this will do, don't be Muppet and use payg SIM , you need monthly However might cheaper on long run to have a gsm universal hkc module installed by a company , perhaps other manufacturers also do them , or as mrH said another communicator of sorts
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GSM-Alarm-Auto-Dialler-UK-Made-Universal-Dialler-DVR-PIR-Remote-Alerts-4-INPUTS-/362602240582?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  13. But they do security alarms , and these days smart ones to https://www.erahomesecurity.com/security-products/smart-security/
  14. Swb is spot on However if you really want to give it a go Wire it up on the floor or a bench somewhere buy some cable and make yourself a working alarm this way before.installing it After 6months of messing around you can deal with the logistics of doing it Realistically as swb your not.paying the installer to be a labourer , don't forget to order ear muffs if you can't stop the bell ringing , and you probably find resistors in all the existing sensors aswell , or will need to put them in , all is possible Price seems ok to me , I assume he setting up all the accounts for the app system for you aswell.
  15. Default no groups right? Or he says he isn't ....
  16. i dont suppose you can print to screen all you settings lol
  17. what zone are using for the door and what is the zone set as?
  18. If you have defaulted it , it should work out of the box However it is possible that your contact is not working or you have wired it up wrong , so panel doesn't actually see it open and close as such I am guessing as I didn't think it was that complicated on the dimension to get it to set , unless you are setting groups on and so on , however that's probably not the case Picture of your contact would help and your sure you connected the door to the correct zone on the panel You can normally hear the reed click if it's working , if it doesn't tap it, see if timer works (don't smack the glass lol)
  19. Loop at bell I assume bell is old , these Normally come with manual Yes about tamper Now have you done it yet?????
  20. Or use a relay 5v to switch the led on 12v
  21. And lastly don't forget to tighten your back wall tamper screw , if it has one .......
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