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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. Maybe not tho , I vaguely remember some issue about it ...... What else is on the spare pairs of the rs485
  2. Ok , I didn't think your supposed to do that tho , can't remember exactly tho will have a look These are dimensions ?
  3. Common negative?? From panel to Rios and smart Rio?
  4. So you need to put in the engineer code?
  5. You wire the pir incorrectly near keypad? What you mean after reset ?
  6. That's difficult, could be cable , Amy of the detectors , bell box , PSU fault and so on Hence why calling an engineer is quicker , you may have it displayed on keypad what the fault is when it goes off
  7. What's difference logging in remotely? And locally? Assume mesh not needed if devices are close enough?
  8. for setting you have to wait , for unsetting its quicker , at least that's what i see, use to annoy customers on the galaxy
  9. Basically you need to learn about the panel , bugs is another issue
  10. Just pick any and delete the account details after so it isn't constantly trying to communicate somewhere Although as GG said use non adt panel , or try and update firmware
  11. Well the PIR has alarm contacts so you could use them maybe with a relay just to trigger the input on any autodialer , there many cheaper devices which will do the just b for you on eBay For example https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Alarm-Installer-Auto-Dialler-with-Controllable-Relay-/233783581818?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 They have different versions , but I would recommend a cheap monthly contract SIM , you will kill your credit quick otherwise
  12. You can unlock the hkc ? Nah man lol
  13. Unlikely Would be interesting though , even with two independent sensors , the shock would suddenly be on access mode provided you can open the door with the shock activation, and or having an over zealous delivery driver come knocking on the door
  14. Yeah but they chucked a whole load of sand and gravel down I think
  15. What's difference ? Lol Currently locking engineer is locking nvm
  16. Lol Odd place that , it's built in some kind of sand right? Or parts of it
  17. So what about your Smart TV Car Washing machine The list can go on , and sure you can get sometimes odd password turn up on internet but your talking about a"security" device Simply put if the sub wants the eng code then he should know that you hold no responsibility for the system and nothing is warranteed you would have to be crazy to do it If they already have code it's difficult to take it from them, but if you have contract of service to provide them , I wonder does it comply when you have a contract that sub has access to main settings? Alarm monkeys? Does it matter to your efficacy insurance that you allow the sub to keep the engineer code ? Or I am looking at it the wrong way ?
  18. So overall not much worth protecting in there anyway? I suppose texe app system is still free?
  19. I lock every panel since I moved to hkc and every higher end texecom I find is also locked It's all good best way Also happy to release to an installer
  20. Give to Boyz who on are install they will look after it for you?
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