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Everything posted by Lwillis

  1. Meq's? Wired in cat5 as well by the looks of it.
  2. You have tampers on those zones. Haven't fitted one in years. Are they zones wired DP or EOL? How is it programmed?
  3. I'm getting about 6meg down 1 meg up at the moment. My exchange is taking orders according to open reach but neither BT or Sky will accept a order for infinity .
  4. My street doesn't have fibre from VM and BT fibre has been coming soon for about a year. VM say there isn't enough demand to sort my street but the next street over has fibre. If I could leave sky and BT behind I would.
  5. Because getting a a static IP on a domestic can be a pain. Sky refused to give me one
  6. Why not just use 4 quad switchers instead of DVRs. Cameras into DVR.> Loop through onto switchers> 1 coax between switcher and TVs
  7. They aren't that difficult to do. Its not the router
  8. Its not the router it just how you've set it up. Assign the DVR a device name and then re do the DMZ
  9. Might have different termology I don't think you can turn it off tho. Please correct me if I'm wrong
  10. The loop back stops the customer from using the dynamic DNS we setup when they are on their own WiFi So they end up having 2 sites in the app for the same place 1-local (when on same WiFi as the dvr) 2-remote (everywhere else) So use the customers router. Had a few issues with Homehubs but nothing major recently same with the technicolour ones I've done quite a few now no issues.
  11. Done it with a Rio in a GD before. The G2's are a bit small for it tho.
  12. Technicolour are a heap of ***** but I've never had one that didn't work first time. I've noticed there's quite a few routers now with the loopback blocking turned on.
  13. Galaxy for almost all new installs and enforcer for domestic wireless.
  14. I think I was told a month off work, was never going to happen tho. An hr after surgery I was on the phone with the office and UDLing panels from the iPad for the other lads sorting things out and ordering gear. Kept getting told by the nurse my blood pressure was too high and I needed to get some rest. I'd agree with the 6 weeks for horses tho I was still tender for about 2 weeks after.
  15. Same thing happened to me last July. Thursday morning in agany by Friday lu CH time having key holder. Sh'll be fine after a few days. I was back at work after a week
  16. Door contact on the front door is a preferred method for most. Yes the PIR can be set to delay. Did you install the system or was it installed by a company?
  17. Just in the interest to comparability ive fitted some of the Honeywell wireless smokes. No issues and also have self contained sounder.
  18. Most installers will have a preferance. Galaxy for me tho. Get quotes from 3/4 SSAIB or NSI approved company's choose whoever feels right. Not nessessarly the cheapest. Its worth asking about warrenty(usually at least 12 months) and call out charges etc. Also might he worth asking if there is any remote assistance from your installer( we offer this as standard on Galaxy systems)
  19. That panel is obsolete now as has been for a while. I'd reccomend contacting a local approved company and getting it serviced. It will most likely require a new standby battery.
  20. Run 1 8core to each device. And screened cable to the keypad. Extra cable from panel into loft space. And run one into garage for keypad
  21. Not Arf's son are you? A the OP. wireless can be as good if installed and Maintened correctly and to a high standard
  22. Personally I'd avoid using companies that can put the alarm as part of the deal for buying the house. Get some quotes from SSAIB, ask them which systems they use, The galaxy is made by Honeywell and is more expensive than enforcer, it's just what I'm used to fitting. As others have said look into HKC and Texecom. You would be better off with something like hkc or 12w etc as if you ever decide you want Monitering of any sort it will be easier to add. Not that there is anything wrong with the enforcer it's a good bit of kit just may not be suitable depending on your needs.
  23. Personally I'd go for a galaxy with RF gear but out of those 3 Id say enforcer. 2 way is usually better. Which company did you feel most comfatable with? What are their call out rates like? It's not all about the cheapest at the point of install. Did any of them after remote assistance facility's? Also I'd reccomend getting quotes from SSAIB company's aswell both nsi and SSAIB are insurance approved and if you are putting the alarm system on your insurance run the system design proposal by them aswell. Some insurance offer a discount for an alarm system under a maintenance contract by an approved company
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