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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. The downside to having the leds on all the time is that people can work out the dead spots, plus as Imran says just because the led comes on doesn't mean the detector is working
  2. Hi Dean

    Thank you for your report, engineering manuals are only available to trade members, which is why you are unable to download it.

  3. Keypad failing after a two years ? Something doesnt add up was it second hand? I agree with the above get it serviced, then have it serviced regularly, it prevents problem such as the alarm going off randomly with no apparent reason
  4. Okay most people dont know why the fuse blew, blown fuse is a symptom of a problem in many cases
  5. It shouldnt go off if the battery in the panel is ok, and why do you need to replace the aux fuse?
  6. its dp so it sends path failure via gsm
  7. Im on a webway for monitoring to the arc and so I only have the wifi module for the app, it does tell me eventually, but the wifi is normally up before it does. My wifi rarely goes down for more than a few minutes
  8. Agreed I would always proper recommend monitored with the app as a secondary device. My app always tells me info before the alarm receiving centre (arc) calls me, but I always get a call from the arc to tell me my Wifi is down whereas my app only tells me when the WiFi is back up.
  9. The age of your panel would suggest not, but replacing the panel with a panel with self monitoring facilities is possible. I would avoid any that offers free or very cheap annual cloud fee as they will be the least reliable
  10. No I wouldn't, thats how my wife uses hers, and dont forget Ive spent some time in China, they all walk around with their nose ion their phone there.Im too old for Lad baby
  11. I am not sure that signing could be enforced therefore it cannot be a compliance requirement, you cant tell someone that they must sign something otherwise their system is not compliant, all you can do is request a signature, and if refused, write refused to sign. Signing is useful though we had an old lady with alzheimer's who refused to pay for her service saying we had not been, but she couldn't argue with her signature.
  12. I disagree, I only look at my phone when something happens that shouldn't, or when someone calls me, the HKC app tells me in voice no need to look. Most of the other stuff like heating is a one time set up and it works from a routine. I am not always looking at my phone the only time I notice I have a text is when I get in my car and my car tells me.
  13. I find apps very useful. In my pocket I control much of my house. My phone tells me when there is someone at the door, or in my garden.I know what time my staff are in the office and what time they leave, I get a warning if the alarm is not unset by 09.00 weekdays (a bit annoying bank holidays) I get a warning if the alarm has not been set by 19.30. I can adjust the heating at home and at work, start the heating in the Merc so its nice and toasty when I leave work, I can check my shares, my bank accounts, check my networks, connect to my works phone system, order a pizza, book a flight, set my tivo box to record all my fav progs, I love apps I dont know what I did before I had them
  14. If your house and contents are important enough to warrant a burglar alarm with self monitoring, and lets face it the most important part of any burglar alarm nowadays, would be the bit that calls you when it activates. Why on earth are you looking the cheapest? When you get something for nothing, it means somebody got nothing for something. When somebody is supplying something for nothing they are less motivated to do anything about it when it goes wrong. This is why all of the companies that were supplying a free app cloud kept having server failures, and have now started charging. If you dont want to pay subscription then just buy a GSM dialler, though you will still have to pay for the SIM monthly, but it will be more reliable than the free subscription apps
  15. The panel is around thirty years old, if it hasnt been serviced in that time the battery in the panel would have killed the charging circuit. Replacing the internal battery wont fully fix it, you probably need a new panel too
  16. He said app, not RF strength, clean your ears out!
  17. Hi and welcome, those Risco panels were not very popular, they looked nice, the app was good, but the mk 1s were short lived and we never bothered with the mk 2s
  18. I would say that its as much courtesy as it is requirement. In some circumstances the customers insurance my want to see them. We use electronic jobsheets, that we email to the customer, for those without email we post a copy
  19. I am sure someone will recommend a panel for you, I dont have any experience of the latest non trade panels
  20. You cant stop it from tampering unless you know the engineer code. the user code will shut it up once you have tampered it. But unless you have 2 keypads you may struggle, because once you have opened the keypad the buttons may not work at all. I agree with James its twenty odd years old, it was a goodish panel but it is old I cant think of anything electronic I own that is that old
  21. if the dialler is looking for 0v removed to trigger it then the bell output will only trigger it once you have disarmed, check the dialler instructions about inverting the input. Be aware your dialler will be useless by 2025 Openreach are changing all analogue lines to digital this has already been started in some areas
  22. You could change the code so you only use the numbers on the working half
  23. We just took over the service on a Enforcer, the bats hadnt been replaced for four years, the manufacturer recommends 2 -3 years, we recommend every year, nothing worse than low battery just before you want to go on holiday
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