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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. How you know it's a live bell? Dis the mains and battery see if external sounder activates , if it doesn't job done as it might be dummy or faulty If it sounds just reconnect power There's no real way of suggesting how you should do it , some do it the H way , butcher it hang it up with a string put new panel in and move bell wire over last if you can't be bothered to power everything down Or any other way , like did power again bell will or should shut down after 20mins
  2. Better get a scanny 9651 if your considering the g4 lol
  3. As jw says perimeter protection is the way and keep some doors closed Lol upside down , I suppose height is an issue there
  4. Although abacus RIP won't necessarily solve your problem......
  5. Is it right there firmware is updated as much as texe
  6. You should be fine if you contact hik? I don't get it , this is standard stuff they help you with , or you doing everything via a fith party?
  7. Is that 7k posts blag then you just added extra , as you don't talk much
  8. No point making a new thread for similar question lol Thanks for input
  9. Anything new on this front dudes? Quads Vs dt
  10. Put chime in door contact Close door Give contact a light tap to see if it chimes
  11. So I assume you mean you want to take over the monitoring And you will also need the engineer code from the maintainer
  12. Those panic buttons look nicely used lol, someone after you lol
  13. So garage has no detector? Maybe sensor playing up, when did you have system service last? Requires some investigation really , seems your circuit is split , but if it's a tamper fault of some kind , while set can show as alarm from what I rember on those
  14. You got dialler on redcare? Leccy must be JB CCTV looks like a 2k job up north
  15. Lol ok I thought moleys would be harder But yeah short piece , especially you pinch end a bit to make it a nice fit
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