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Working Hours And Rest Time


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If you don't like the terms of your employment, unemployment is always an option.

How would a union assist a new employee with the new rules where you can get shut of someone in their first couple of years of employment?

You've dodged answering any and all the questions relating to H&S, working conditions, contracts etc. Stock answer from you is along the lines of  "if you don't like it, you know where the door is".

Yet you're happy to claim at every opportunity what a great boss you are.


Doesn't exactly stack up does it.

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Ah i see. It wont be in mine thats for sure!

i dont think many do it after being on call tbh,the whole rest time needs to be sensible to allow the enginner whos been on call enough time to recover,i was on call one night last week at got in at 10.30 not late in real terms but was too knackered to sleep(im sure everyone has felt that at some time) i didnt get to bed till gone 1am and woke up at 9 didnt start till after 10 technically i,wasnt entitled to rest time as wasnt out after 12 but explained the situation to my gaffer who was fine with it,still got paid

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My point exactly, mate, you use your noggin, you decide weather you're up to it, you discuss with employer, job done, everyone's on good terms, ready for the next drama.

Unfortunately all employers aren't so understanding and give and takish.

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Eh? I said you don't have engineers on call now.

Stop going back 30-40 years ago. Times have changed.

so you don't now offer 24/7 callout?

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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I go out to fish a match and come back to this lot :D




So you've had a full nights sleep up at 7am and get a call at 8. Finish at 9 so home by half 9. Start work at 1730????

Whatever company you work for just have engineers sitting around to cover everyone else's jobs and stacks of cash to pay people to sit on their ****!
Any jobs going ?


I agree with your stance on this as it is the same as mine.

Our trade unionists are still hard at it I see.

Does this mean they get to go into work 2 hours later than normal tomorrow because of the extra work they had in replying to this?


Insular life makes some forget about the real world. I see others have used my "children " analogy.

People do it all the time, it is called life and getting on with it. And if it means your a little tired does it mean we stop the world?

Because if we did as some are saying that is exactly what would happen to a company, as in being stopped dead in its tracks.

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no matt the others are just installers who you dont trust remember,your 3 engineers 1of which now works from home must be rushed off their feet id have thought, whats that 1750 jobs each to look after,some going that ,i guess they earn there 45k unproven wage..

You ought to clean out your ears and listen to more of what I say. Allen has been allowed to work from home for some of the time as a little test to see if I want to extend this flexible approach to other.


You seem to forget, in my business most of what you do has been replaced by computer automation systems who thankfully have little grounds for complaint.


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