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Cubit last won the day on January 30 2018

Cubit had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Cubit

  • Birthday November 1

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  1. Seems you're never alone with a clone.

    1. staller


      Yep,but clone makes people never be unique.

  2. You have verifiable evidence and proof they don't work?
  3. So why not send them a letter/email outlining the issues and your concerns.Perhaps that way you show your loyalty to them and are sure of a response. Far better than airing your gripe out to the t'interweb and trying to claim the moral high ground.
  4. Not hard to guess who you work for. And perhaps if you were more active you could have answered sooner?
  5. Are you for real?As I said previously, what's with the lectures? So as your clearly the expert in these matters, perhaps you'd care to explain how your risk assessment would help the next guy.
  6. Last seen on the Pepsi Max... Or whatever that big **** off ride is called
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