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Working Hours And Rest Time


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youve only got 3 and 1 of them is allen,which is you so that leaves 2 you dont like...which is the other 2 now they know..

No goncall, I have 3 on paye. The rest are self employed thus all these employment rules you keep remind me of dont apply.

Rather than banging on about how mean I am why not take me up on one of the countless offers to me them in person and look around our place and see what it's like in the real world? Seems you are avoiding it as you wouldn't want to report back to the forum people are actually happy in my business.

Anyway, now I've had my burger I must head further south. I'm sure you'll be around at my next pit stop so the debate can continue. Wouldn't want to be driving tied.

We all know it's you in this... attachicon.gifdisguise.jpg


Out of work actor?

Could be, but he's very good at alarm fixings as well as acting.


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So you've had a full nights sleep up at 7am and get a call at 8. Finish at 9 so home by half 9. Start work at 1730????

Whatever company you work for just have engineers siting around to cover everyone else's jobs and stacks of cash to pay people to sit on their ****!

Any jobs going ?

Your going to a very extreme. We have our own central station who filter and pass the calls out. They are not going to pass a call out at 8am to the night man. As said its very rare to get a call past 5am. Only extreme calls will be passed out to night man. We now do one night a week where we start at 830am and finish 830am the next morning. I am only taking what I am entitled to and covering my own ass if I was to have an accident.

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i've worked under such tyrannical conditions, especially as a keen young engineer you think you are the bee's knee's doing it, anyone refusing is a pussy, i thought those Dickensian days and attitudes had long gone tbh.

no company today, large or small should intimidate or even infer disapproval for any driver to work while tired or ill, especially if in the service if his 'responsible' company.

appointments made for anyone on night duty should ideally be avoided for early timings, the client might insist so detail another engineer, but should informed the booking may be put back or altered due to unforeseeable sporadic pressure on your service department, as a responsible company who respect both our clients and engineers, 'we do not risk lives of our staff or other road users lives, because it's simply the nature if the business.

as one who run's his own small company, those i have employed in the past i have invested a lot of time and effort in. if my engineer/s worked during the night i'd hope i'd made it clear i fully appreciated his efforts on my behalf, and in him in particular. not ask or badger him to do more. I want that guy/s sharp as tacks when working for me, i don't need mistakes, oversights let alone funeral attendances.

just what is so hard about that, and just how stupid and out of date can anyone be to think otherwise?

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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so i don't have a clue, really - are you sure?

you ever been a coffin bearer for a colleague who died falling sleep at the wheel?

on Combat Service you worked 24/7 then 7 off, lightning storms would have you out near 24/7, i've been that tired i slept in my car on garage forecourt at the pump, thinking i was in a car park. i've passed a fully lit up Police land rover on the embankment, clocked in a 30 doing 85 in a VAN!

i cover my own calls, but if i'm out i diverted my staff to cover any brake down calls at the expense if less urgent calls or installations.

you simply have no excuse to abuse your staff into driving unfit due to fatigue, just for the sacks if your profit margin - end off!

Eh? I said you don't have engineers on call now.

Stop going back 30-40 years ago. Times have changed.


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No goncall, I have 3 on paye. The rest are self employed thus all these employment rules you keep remind me of dont apply.

Rather than banging on about how mean I am why not take me up on one of the countless offers to me them in person and look around our place and see what it's like in the real world? Seems you are avoiding it as you wouldn't want to report back to the forum people are actually happy in my business..

no matt the others are just installers who you dont trust remember,your 3 engineers 1of which now works from home must be rushed off their feet id have thought, whats that 1750 jobs each to look after,some going that ,i guess they earn there 45k unproven wage..

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