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Everything posted by PeterJames

  1. Data Protection Act If the council asked if they could attach a sweeping machine to the back of your car would you say yes? We recently installed cameras to a council offices car park, and the chap working in one of the planning offices stopped our chaps from working because the council did not have planning permission for them.(Even though they were protecting his car amongst others) Most councils are hard work, not because they want to be, but because they are structured that way, they have to be sure that whatever is done doesn't cause anyone to complain, or fall off and hit someone on the head. They will only use contractors that pass certain criteria. On the plus side they generally don't about the cost of stuff, but they are never the fastest payers.
  2. Charlie lets look at some scenarios where audio would be an invasion of privacy. A couple walking down the street discussing the sex they have just had. People who they don't know that may overhear their discussion its not important, even you videoing and recording their conversation its not a problem because you don't know them. With CCTV its a different story the operator is likely to know the people. So what I hear you say, well what if that couple are married but not to each other, all of a sudden the CCTV operator knows something about two people that is none of the operators business. That information could have all sorts of consequences depending on the operators attitude. At worst there could be blackmailing or the information given to each of the couples partners. Again you could say well they should not have been up to no good, but they haven't broken any criminal laws, and the purpose of the CCTV is for capturing crimes. I cant think of hundreds of similar scenarios. The other problem you have is some CCTV operators are nice people some are not (Bit like the real world) if the recording of audio was fully allowed you wouldn't be able to say this person can record audio, but this one cant. So all those horrible people like racists and peados will be using audio recording to there own advantage
  3. The law on privacy is rather vague, and much of what is set down applies not to individuals, but to organisations. For example, Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998 provides general protection for the privacy of an individual’s home and family life, and their personal correspondence, and this obviously extends to recording what people say among themselves. In a similar spirit, the CCTV Code of Conduct (revised 2008) from the Information Commissioner’s Office recommends that operators generally shouldn’t record conversations: CCTV must not be used to record conversations between members of the public as this is highly intrusive and unlikely to be justified. You should choose a system without this facility if possible. If your system comes equipped with a sound recording facility then you should turn this off or disable it in some other way. There are limited circumstances in which audio recording may be justified, subject to sufficient safeguards. -
  4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ABACUS-ALARM-KEYPAD-/251954629461?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3aa9aa8b55 Abacus were really good panels in their day, beware they get a bit forgetful as they get older though, they have a habit of forgetting user codes normally when theyre armed.
  5. Well the Council could, or their contractor. Its unlikely they would give permission for anyone else to though
  6. Chap has asked for advice he thinks that being a subby is easier and that he can pick and choose, that's unlikely to be the case, he thinks he will earn more, that's also unlikely unless he is happy not to pick and choose, and he thinks the tax man is gonna buy him a new set of tools. Its not negativity I am all for people moving up in the world, I don't think becoming a subby is necessarily a move upwards. Especially if you think you can pick and choose. Whereas a chat with the boss about where you want your career to go, there is a good chance he will respect the fact that you want to move up and find somewhere you can move up to (If he wants to keep you)
  7. I think you will find you cant have your cake and eat it only one of the above works as a subby Not that I am trying to put you off here or anything but, the tax man doesn't pay you for the tools you just pay him a little less. So its not free tools its just less tax. Personally I would have a chat with your boss about whats on your mind, you have nothing to lose if you are thinking about leaving anyway, your boss may have a better career choice for you. Being a subby is not all its cracked out to be, you need insurance and all the H&S certification cards, some co's will expect you to have up to date cards for MEWPS and platforms along with your own PPE and harnesses. You will get work from co's that don't ask for these but you wont earn the money. Subbies that I used have all these, I only use subbies that I know and trust.
  8. I don't think you are allowed too, but I have heard that some employers get staff to check interviewees vehicle whist the interview is underway. One thing I would never say about Paul is that he had a dirty or untidy vehicle, it was immaculate most of the time, mind you he spent a lot of time putting things away when he had finished a job, sometimes longer than he took to do the job.
  9. doubt you would have liked working for hime either, he didnt have any sense of humour
  10. LOL how did that happen? my fone must av auto corekted it I'm quite a good smeller normaly
  11. Hi plasmarb Firstly can I ask why you want to become a subby? Whats the appeal?
  12. It depends on many factors, commercial sites haft to comply to the DPA, domestics are a different story, in all cases privacy laws must be observed
  13. you also need 4737 for takeovers 8423 8418 I could go on and on. If its because you are going for NSI or SSAIB I wouldn't worry just yet. Make sure you know the standards and that you are installing to them, once you join the inspectorate you can pay extra and get their standards online
  14. I don't think you can get patch leads that long, we would normally drill the hole the same size as the cat 5 then crimp an rj45 at each end
  15. I agree, Police officers seldom know the law regarding CCTV I had one try to tell me that I could not have a camera viewing the customers car as it viewed the street. I was so surprised that not only did she know the law that she was supposed to upheld, but she was spouting complete and utter rubbish to someone that is familiar with the laws regarding CCTV. I have many times had to explain to the Police how to use the evidence that we have recorded for them, if the system is not compliant then it has to be used to get an admission not as evidence.
  16. Mains smokes are BS5839 part 6 and should be installed to the FRA and certified accordingly regardless of the electrical cert (though this is also required)
  17. Obviously more MP is better for the end result, the down side is it uses up more HDD space so 1TB will last a day or so less depending on how you set up the recording.
  18. Hi Charlie You are absolutely right, however, it is one thing for a person to stand in the street with a camcorder filming, it is obvious that sound is likely to be recorded and people observing this are unlikely to divulge any personal private matters in front of your camera. With CCTV on the other hand it may not even be immediately obvious that there is a camera present, and even so, there is still no reason to assume that audio is being recorded. Therefore if allowed, CCTV could capture audio that was intended as private but not unlawful. In the UK we put signs up to warn people that CCTV is in operation, if people ignore the signs and continue to break the law then they deserve everything they get. But people that are not breaking the law and going about their everyday business are entitled to have their conversations kept private. The whole purpose of CCTV is to deter or capture crime, not invade peoples private conversations.
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