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Everything posted by sixwheeledbeast

  1. I am not complaining, I am explaining what happens. (on Premier panels, I might add!) Either way the correct action is taken at the ARC, I see no issue.
  2. Same here, I say this from experience. To clarify. Two Guard zones 007 and 008 (for example). If 007 is triggered and goes active an intruder pin is fired. Then if 008 is tampered a tamper pin is fired not a confirmed pin.
  3. Picture of the space in the control panel would be helpful?
  4. I don't believe this is correct. A tamper from another device will send a tamper after the first intruder, the ARC will see the two pins and respond as a confirmed.
  5. Duct grade Cat5e? Not better having stranded?
  6. Have you checked them? Maybe best to get the bell down in front of the panel and work out if it's working.
  7. The instructions you refer to are for the now discontinued MCS-710 which had an adjustable wall spring. On the MCS-740 only the break away screw hole and the lid spring are part of the tamper.
  8. Yes, firmware update would be a good idea. IIRC 2.01 was a version with expander output issues.
  9. If you are using "Engineer Working" to trigger LED's on sensors, you should know that the Texecom has a special output type for this. Use the "LED Control" Area option. I am not sure why the output is not changing state, you will be best to program it for something you can test and then check with a multimeter. Also I hope you are not getting Panel Outputs and Digi Outputs mixed up. Failing all that post up the Premier Model and Version numbers.
  10. This wouldn't be the lad that screwed a vandal resistant camera to the ceiling with no plugs would it?
  11. I wouldn't trust anything secure with a third party. I also don't trust or use Google. Still more evidence people are looking to switch away from Windows.
  12. Nope, never had issues with Menvier like that. I thought that was more of a Galaxy thing.
  13. What hassle? It's not hassle to me, infact I find my Ubuntu setup more productive and it boots and runs 5 times faster.
  14. High P2P on the co-ax's can cause random reboots on some DVR's. If it was being 'hacked' why would it still reboot with the LAN disconnected. You have tried the PSU which would be my first thought, after that maybe HDD issues. Factory default the machine and format the HDD, see if that fixes it? Not played with that model Quantum so I am thinking generic issues here.
  15. I currently use Ubuntu, with a different DE. There are many different ones, Ubuntu has a large user base so can be easier to start with. It has Firefox, Thunderbird and LibreOffice. Libre can open and convert most windows formats including the new xlsx and docx formats. It's not really Linux I am seeing more of, Mac's are getting popular with customers as is Google's cloud offering. Regarding security software, I have Wintex and Heitel applications running with Wine compatibility layer. Compatibility layers are not perfect (ideally the application should be ported), but it saves needing a Windows machine at all for odd bits. Other options/workarounds include having a Virtual Windows machine inside your OS or having one PC and using a LogMeIn type service, SSVNC or the like. Basically I try to avoid any kit that isn't cross-platform, anything else I can normally get to run with Wine. When I switched to Linux a while ago now I started with the intention of dual-booting a windows hard-drive. Within months I was removing Windows from anything I could. That wouldn't surprise me, a large amount of stuff in our industry is "Windows only" or needs crappy ActiveX controls. According to there weby the Server works on Linux but the Client is Windows only. I would expect a client to work with Wine. Hopefully someone will design a decent cross-platform solution in the future.
  16. There are Unix-type versions or options. They may not be packaged as "products" like Windows. The thing is you are so integrated into Windows software that it's hard to move. I said some will move away from Windows, if you only use a browser, office suite and a mail client any OS is easy to migrate to.
  17. You still keep saying free and Linux. There are Unix-type OS's that are not Free, Apple or Red Hat for starters. Unix-like does permissions differently. Anyway, Active Directory can be integrated into Unix-like systems.
  18. I didn't say "everyone" or "free alternatives", did I. Windows are losing market share I think that will increase in years to come. More people are aware there are other options now, also many light computer users are switching to tablets.
  19. GUI's should be intuitive, from my dealings with Windows 8 it's far from that. Anyway, I couldn't care. I am pretty much Windows free, I think many users will move away from Windows over the next few years.
  20. It could be either the cable and/or the wiring. You need to test the cable and the sensor to diagnose further.
  21. Hopefully you have a power supply in there somewhere. 3 Expanders without a bell at the end is already a fair amount of current. Either way it's a good idea to use Low Current and/or SCB mode on the Bell, so you don't drag the expanders down. Program Expander Input as Bell Tamper, wire Return to input. Power from the Aux. Trigger in an output programmed a Bell SAB
  22. https://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/ it would appear so.
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