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Everything posted by sixwheeledbeast

  1. I always use and recommend WD drives. I have Cavier Green's in my desktop. Interesting article thanks for sharing. In a server situ is the cost difference worth it, if you have full RAID? You could either way.
  2. Vectus works fine with the MAC CMS viewer. Also the web viewer works on any browser but it a bit limited.
  3. Just because you have all EN50131 Grade 2 kit fitted, this doesn't mean you have a system installed or maintained to that standard. You will need the as fitted documents from the system if professionally fitted. If you don't have them and cannot contact the original installer, you will need to get another company to check or upgrade it to a standard your insurance company are happy with.
  4. 14 downloads

    CQR Premia 9 Installation Guide
  5. 71 downloads

    Eurosec CPX User Guide
  6. 18 downloads

    Eurosec CPX Installation Manual
  7. Default Ubuntu player seems fine with every format I have tried.
  8. Typical of the CCTV industry unfortunately. WINE only works as a compatibility layer so will be fine for some windows programs but probably not this task. You haven't said what file format they are or what Linux your running.
  9. Well if you want the most important tool that would be the terminal screwdriver you can't do much without one. As for favourite that would be difficult to choose but I suppose cable rods. The feeling of pride from installing cables neatly in walls and cavities makes up for some of the **** I put up with.
  10. Ah, this was the thread I was looking for a few weeks ago. -- Path fault signals don't need pins if that's what you mean.
  11. I would recommend the opposite as per JW. Wired over wireless.
  12. I wouldn't touch one-way kit you may as well just put a dummy box up. http://cybergibbons.com/alarms-2/wireless-alarm-recommendations/
  13. Wouldn't that be the normal energy saving sleep timer? Do they all work instantly in walk test? What Panel and Wireless versions?
  14. Well that didn't go down well with the tsi massive! I agree this definitely should be done using a contactor. I am sure you could find or make up a contactor with a manual reset button if you would prefer a clean push button start. Also I feel it's best to have the sockets in question marked in some way (colour and a warning?) to indicate they are isolated automatically in a fire. There also might be a slight flaw in your idea to imbalance the RCD. If I understand RCD's correctly they may not trip out if there are certain faults in the field wiring. Say a high ohm neutral-earth fault develops on the circuit (or a device for that matter) with a very light load, the imbalance may not be enough to trip the RCD. At the end of the day the RCD is a protection device not an isolation device it should be used in that way IMHO.
  15. Or buy a PSU200 and plug the existing expanders in with the 5-Pin KK crossover connector.
  16. It sounds overloaded. Simple as replacing an 8XP for a PSU200XP? Don't common the positives.
  17. Well I mean the idea is the samefor my example, you could drill the cylinder as well, for that matter. Lol. No locksmiths left over in the east then?
  18. I'd like to see you try. Many trade members here are capable of bypassing or jamming security systems, we don't go gloating about it. The fact is this makes us better installers, we know how to install systems to avoid or minimise exploits. You seem to think nobody here has heard of lock bumping (or snapping, pretty much the same thing). I am certain most in the security trade know how **** older euro cylinders are and have 5 lever mortices or anti snap euros.
  19. Anything one-way can easily be comprimised, this is not good for security. One-way systems should only be fitted in extremely low risk circumstances. Most here wouldn't trust one-way for anything other than a "door bell".
  20. and rightly so! I have only just read this post. How can you compare all that one way tat to a two-way or mesh system? The system grading has no correlation to quality.
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