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Food Costs

Guest Oxo

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Anyone been watching this closely?

Bought some chicken drumsticks and paid almost 3 quid for them.

Put into freezer saw another pack of them ( teach me not to check), £2.20. So 75p increase within two weeks.

Leg of lamb for sunday, £15 quid.

They now put security tags on most meat joints at local Asda.

Can remember being a store detective for a short while, biggest thievs were pensioners nicking the tins of salmon!

Has the world gone kin crazy?

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Can remember a can of coke costing 4p.

Bus fare was 2p. Used to walk to school and spend the fare on a crusty cheese and pickle roll at morning break. ( advantages of a grammar School).

Fek , still love a crusty roll with cheese and pickle.

Meat was free, dad worked as a delivery driver for a while at Smithfield Meat Market.

School friends were amazed we ate meat everyday of the week.

OOps goes all fuzzy eyed and remembers every Friday night dad came home with 2 large racks of ribs. Would slow cook them and serve on a massive plate in the middle mashed potato and corn on the cob.

Called it his "Wagon Wheel"

Someone stop me.

Catching Rainbow Trout and walking home with them ( yes in the middle of London virtually a trout lake) gutting them and baking in foil with mixed herbs in a cider sauce.

Spent one summer just fishing for trout, selling them to the local resturaunts.

We had discovered they were fed trout pellets and if you make a mix of brown bread and groundbait they assumed it was the feed from the fishery persons.

A catch a cast...................

Ever caught a 8lb Trout, boy they fight!!

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I'm finding the price of stuff is going up but the quality is going down,

generally buy warburtons bread which IMHO is not as good as used to be, if I get it from supermarket there either buying a cheaper grade or chilling it as it goes stale quicker than the spar shop warburtons.

Larger, cans of carlsberg, fosters are currently very **** tasting whilst they used to be okay, I reckon at one time they'd QC & it would be poured down drain whilst now its f~ck it send it out?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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We only shop now @ the local Co-Op, cant be arsed with Asda etc. I reckon it probably costs me an extra hundred or so over the year so I am not too bothered. Bread however from anywhere only lasts about 3-5 days before the Penicillin kicks in, I thought it was the heat in our kitchen? Fruit is also ***** form most places, tasteless and *****.

As for beers I like German weird ones (Warsteiner, Pauliner, Augistiner (sp) and get them from a friend who either buy's them from t'net or bizarre ale shops, not a big drinker @ home.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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I'm finding the price of stuff is going up but the quality is going down,

generally buy warburtons bread which IMHO is not as good as used to be, if I get it from supermarket there either buying a cheaper grade or chilling it as it goes stale quicker than the spar shop warburtons.

I can confirm that for you. On site at moment and yes, the bread is kept in a coolstore. Also done for hygiene reasons as they are sealed.

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