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Food Costs

Guest Oxo

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Bread however from anywhere only lasts about 3-5 days before the Penicillin kicks in

I bought a Panasonic Bread Maker a few years back, makes a perfect loaf every time about a quarter of the price of that cardboard stuff supermarkets sell it has a timer so you can set it to work on the economy 7 and wake up to ther great smell of fresh bread most mornings. I checked the reviews the Panosonic is the only one to buy comes with a recipe book for alsorts of different breads too.

They still only last a day or so but, its rare any of it gets thrown away in our house.

Back on topic my missus does the shopping, I get annoyed when she buys the cheapest beans etc so she tends not to do that so much, but she will buy two for one deals and put one in the freezer etc, I must say Im like my food, prefer fresh to frozen, like Paul I dont look at prices I can afford not to worry too much when Im in Waitrose, I do look at prices when Im buying other stuff though

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Trouble is if you do like your food its a crippling amount to pay.

Even if you and your partner are working, the percentage is increasing as well as fuel.

Its making more people thrifty.

Local Asda do a price reductuion thing for expericy dated items. People actually fight over the stuff

Rather pay the extra myself..

Anyway , Peter ask midge ( soz cannot stop calling him that), he was amazed at coconut milk and pork neck being used like I did. Thai curry BTW.

And he did a pretty good Polish dish one night in return, Chicken breast breadcrumbs and veg (homemade sourkraut ish thingy). Simple but very tasty.

Tried a bread maker and never got on with it.

Was never the same. As a child we had a bakers at the top of the road.

I would be tasked with the difficult errand of getting a fresh loaf before school. ( weird but gran lived in the basement of the house us on top, she insisted we got fresh bread everyday).

Sometimes it was almost too hot to carry back it was so fresh.

Nothing beats a warm slice of crusty bread with Lurpack butter and a good thick coating of marmalade.

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Ref the breadmaker, is it messy Pete? I like the idea but not the 'faff' My mother bought us a George Foreman for Christmas (again!) my two brothers got breadmakers, was offered a swap on Christmas morning but declined as I though the grill would fetch more on Fleabay.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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Bread makers are easy, sling in the flour yeast and water and walk away.

Well the better ones anyway.

Loaf is smallish but they do taste nicer than shop bagged *****.

As above just never got on with it, the woman I co-habited with loved it. No accounting for taste with middle class South Arfican White women.

Love the accent, just not their mentality ( and learning Africans is a bugger when you dont want to!)

Rather have the GF grill myself.

Love BBG/Grilled fish.

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I believe you missed the point totally.

I meant processed as in reconstituted foods.

Artificially kept to extend shelf life.

Added chemicals.

I prefer to use fresh produce.

I agree meat has to be "processed" to a degree or a shopping trip could take longer trying to kill and skin the fookers.

That would not bother meactually, just a pain disposing of the unneeded items.

Fruit is basically untouched, apart from "image" enhancers, wax being the main.

Fekk I`m starting to sound like a veggie warrior, believe me i`m not.

Just like food as nature/man intended.

Sorry Deliah

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Tried a bread maker and never got on with it.

Panasonic is indisputably the best perfect loaf every time

Ref the breadmaker, is it messy Pete? I like the idea but not the 'faff' My mother bought us a George Foreman for Christmas (again!) my two brothers got breadmakers, was offered a swap on Christmas morning but declined as I though the grill would fetch more on Fleabay.

Its only messy if you forget to put the stirrer you have to move all the ingredients over to get it in, my missus sometimes makes just the dough in the maker and then bakes rolls in the oven, the dough can be sticky if she uses to much water, but thats about it.

As paul say's just put the ingredients in the bowl set the program and a few hours later it beeps, you must get the bread out straight away otherwise it goes a bit soggy (not inedible but not as nice and crispy crust)

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may give one a whirl then, we have someone coming out on Wednesday to price for a new kitchen so this may be my bartering point with the Mrs, you get the kitchen I get the breadmaker.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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What's going on?

You lot don't like football and you've started swapping recipes and discussing the price of vegetables in Waitrose! Am I on some kind of Womans Hour forum or something?




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What's going on?

You lot don't like football and you've started swapping recipes and discussing the price of vegetables in Waitrose! Am I on some kind of Womans Hour forum or something?

LOL, i almost wonder if Norm is taking the p!ss.

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may give one a whirl then, we have someone coming out on Wednesday to price for a new kitchen so this may be my bartering point with the Mrs, you get the kitchen I get the breadmaker.

Its tallish and you have to put the bowl in and out from above so you need to allow a space with no wall cupboard above. I'm no cook (well I can cook but I'm very lazy) but I quite often get up on a Sunday morning and get a white French loaf going, the missus makes pizza bread and all sorts of stuff with it best one of the £100 Ive spent.

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