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what is pointless is for you to hope you will either contribute with sensible comment, or remain quiet..

is the only way you can get any sort of lime light is attempting ti diss me and my posts?

Same old same old.

And, if you'd pay attention, you are the only one banging on about your nonsense, discussing it with yourself.

End my earlier comment still stands!

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Yes i think its mechanical with regard to how it stops dead and controller not being up to it. However its only this gate and i specced the wrong unit

the gate at my job is very similar to yours. they have replaced both ends of the drive rack several times i'm told. not sure about motor etc. it is also not soft start from my observations.

point of that observation is most faults are mainly where travel forward and backward starts, because thats where the biggest jolt happens.

thought occur's if the motor mount was was allowed to slide say 5 cm's either side of center and fitted with a shock absorber, just to absorb that initial traction 'shock' reducing wear on both motor and rack.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Same old same old.

And, if you'd pay attention, you are the only one banging on about your nonsense, discussing it with yourself.

End my earlier comment still stands!

my thoughts EXACTLY!

next you will say i can't read anything, i'm always right, racists and dangerous with no actual proof = change the bleeding record Cubit!

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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my thoughts EXACTLY!

next you will say i can't read anything, i'm always right, racists and dangerous with no actual proof = change the bleeding record Cubit!

Perhaps you didn't read the comment i referred to.


Ask James.


As for dangerous and racist. You've shown the world the proof.

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All sliders We do are BFT ICARO

Got quote a few running just sweet as a nut, only had one issue where I replaced an encoder

This I am sure will sort your issue, highly recommended and loaded with safety features


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I'm not referring to specific applications.

Motors in systems almost without fail have some sort of motor control on them - even a simple L-C circuit across the windings.

Basic physics applies when moving an object of any description. Motors have been no different since the year dot.

at last a clear line of thought, so was it really that difficult?

so now we can debate - and thats all it us.

you say electric motors have been no different since the year dot, but your very wrong. better materials, lubricants, bearings construction all form great advancements. there a guy who has designed a pancake motor, so efficient he has received sponsership to race it in electric GP bikes, i think IXO knows or knows of him.

you talk of physics, so your a technical guy, but i bet you would not have dreamed of using electric motors to power model planes less 10 years ago, but look at the tiny lightweight very powerful micro motors in flying models today, i've seen 8 of them used in a replica Lancaster Bomber.

i totally agree moving this gate is all about physics, as was my lean/shove example.

if anyone is interested, google 'digital ac motor control'. that black box will reduce motor wear but also speed if required, this us dine by progressively removing pulses, you start at mains 50hz, motor at full speed, now you remove say every 5th or 10th ac cycle, motor slows but still has full torque, and far less heat. this gets used in two ways, as a straight forward speed controller, or to reduce power in low load circumstances example an empty conveyor belt. put goods on it as soon as the load is sensed more cycles are restored.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Perhaps you didn't read the comment i referred to.

Ask James.

As for dangerous and racist. You've shown the world the proof.

Yiur absolutkt - u din't a clue ir car what your tlkung about - u do knowyiu like to uue threars ti get sime if your old servuce freinds and 'pay me a visit'.

You keep trying to intimidate and bully th very one who can't be bullied so again - ffsks change the bleedung record!

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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