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Water Very Common When Servicing Cctv


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Ah! the old 'carrot customers' as I used to call them, same ones who ask for it cheap as they have loads of contacts and will put the business your way.

you do lead a cloistered employed life,

so i have a client who still passes me regular work, usually in high end executive houses, average alarm 4k, + cctv + door entry + network cabling + telephone systems - total spend per job average £15k and this is your idea if a CARROT customer?

guy decides to do as already said - i should turn him down, i should not look after him because it's inconvenient???

please sent send all of your 'carrots' customers of this quality you can ;)

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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My working out says you claim a £400 day rate?

i'll ask again do you actually run a business and understand sales?

i'll make it much easier for you, if i'm installing i make much more, than i can make ever make on the whole day spent on chargeable calls/pmv's (which btw never happens).

if i'm in North London installing and i suddenly have go instead to this site, i have to risk letting down a lucrative client - nobody but nobody like's that, least of all me. being an alarm looking after 12 offices when installed, obviously the risk of loss is a worry, being 'old school' i have to attend or at least offer to asap.

so now we have an unhappy high spend current client, depending on traffic 1 to 2 hours travelling, toll, fuel and time on site to fix whatever, or convincing/re-training a tenant because they messed up. be nuts to go all that way without giving the system a dam good look over, ask other tenants if any issues, as well as the office staff.

you think it is viable to then travel back to North London as fully explained earlier?

this is all about a job i did, and supported for 20 years - longer than most 'upstarts' have been in this trade - and i was then happy to have it to be taken over by a local "registered company" for Police response - are you sure people - REALLY!

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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i'll ask again do you actually run a business and understand sales?


yes, I also think I'd get a cheaper job from Banhams or national co, with an NSI cert & proper 24hr support than your claimed rate

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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this is all about a job i did, and supported for 20 years - longer than most 'upstarts' have been in this trade -


Whom are you referring to as "Upstarts" ?


Most here have been in this game 30 year plus like yourself and me of course.

Where does this give you the right to blow over other people?

I accept everyday is a learning curve. That older methods are obselete in certain circumstances.

You are so stuck in the past all the time from your posts.

So much so you cannot even use spearchuckker.

Do give it a rest.

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yes, I also think I'd get a cheaper job from Banhams or national co, with an NSI cert & proper 24hr support than your claimed rate

i have never claimed to be cheaper or cheapest, just better or best ;)

sorry for my competitive attitude.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Whom are you referring to as "Upstarts" ?

Most here have been in this game 30 year plus like yourself and me of course.

Where does this give you the right to blow over other people?

I accept everyday is a learning curve. That older methods are obselete in certain circumstances.

You are so stuck in the past all the time from your posts.

So much so you cannot even use spearchuckker.

Do give it a rest.

"me, of course" i thought you had been a locksmith, welder, gate maker supremo, fabricator amongst others for many years. and off work what 4 years?

i'm 64 this year your not as old or anywhere near it (even though i definitely have far more hair than you) - so how many lives have you actually led to have been in THIS trade 30 years?

i'm not ashamed of the many many techniques and skills i know and use, you have obviously never learned all of them, so how do you have any knowledge of what of those skills i have do, or do not apply?

do you remember the chap who had re-occurring false alarms in i think old bond street? been back several times? off the batt you went in about testing this or that voltage. I posted power being switched off, and how both James and I got to that conclusion using experience old school techniques - first hit! no meter in sight - skinning you alive in the process.

i suggest, don't disrespect the skill sets real alarm engineers have, just because of advancing years.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Apprentice. Trained and worked with MLA/BLA/BLI London Chaiman. ( Asked back again by him to take over their Alarm division but declined)

Welder, We fabricated the grilles and gates. Trained by a time served ship builder from Dublin. Then automated them. Not one of the first but bulit a company up with the knowledge gained in previous, then made an error and divorced the bosses wifes cousin. Asked back and declined. They are now probably the best known in London and home counties.

Asked back to another old company to develop their electronic side, which I did and then had the accident, 2 yrs 9 moths give or take to get leg fixed after sh1te issues and op.

Given a chance with my previous association with Wakefield Security and Fire,

Tie that all in and with managment of a company ( Which you know about)  and you have the general idea. All dates are proven and traceable with the CRB checks and others in place. You do have Police/MOD/US Milatary clearances ??????????


See the asked back items?

See a pattern?

I have worked for a few (7 I think) companies over the years, but the same ones twice, or even thrice. So not a lot of movement really. Just takeovers.

Now with Peter James @ Wakefield Security and Fire.

And hopefully the last stop. I want to be here and I was offerd the chance.


Why, are you jealous?

30 years easilly accounted for, paper trails and known associates over the years.

Setting up a stand at IFSEC 1981 ish , might even have some pics somewhere once unpacked.

Helped SRS/Door Entry Direct with their first stand. Ring Steve and ask him how my Transit van beat his XR3i to the NEC.


Why am I even trying to prove what others know as fact????


Built my first alarm with parts ( Relays, pressure mats and bells ) from my fathers tool kit from Banhams. Not bad for a 9 year old?

So actually been doing this for 40 years or so give or take.




I have nothing to hide.

Did disguise  my employer for a while for a giggle at others expense.

This is now in the open. Still under a probationary period so could be out of a job in 6 weeks. But by the sea and have fishing rods so could survive. Or move back with ex for a bit.........................yes seriouslly.

But I like it here and think the others like me and the work rate is good enough. So you never know.But I`ll never droop to Essex level!!

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i'll make it much easier for you, if i'm installing i make much more, than i can make ever make on the whole day spent on chargeable calls/pmv's (which btw never happens).

but your lucrative installs are one offs, not recurring like contracted customers in a real co. So you rely on the phone ringing with new work (because Arf Alarms don't fa remember) which makes your business (read hobby) completely worthless.

nobody but nobody like's that, least of all me. being an alarm looking after 12 offices when installed, obviously the risk of loss is a worry!

They can't be that bothered about security if they are protected by Arf Alarms bells only systems guvnor.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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