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Just bought an old doctors surgery to do up as a new practice, got the keys and thought I'd have at poke at a wall which needed a door put through with the keys to see if it was supporting or not.

Found this under some cork tiles and had a good s****e at it: (why can't I say s-c-r-a-p-e?)

Then I scrunched some up to show what the powder was like:

And then the builder came along and said "careful, that's asbestos" :blink:

It looked like this after after his blokes got it all off:

Someone said it looked like christotile which apparently (hopefully) is not too nasty due to having straight fibres not curly ones.


Am i right in thinking you already have a building contractor on site?

If so. Why the hell are they so lax regarding asbestos.??

Your explanation suggests to me they already knew Asbestos was on site, therefore no one should have been allowed in until the problem removed.

If the above is correct. Someone has been seriously cavalier with the H&S regs.

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It was got rid of weeks ago so history now, you live and learn. They do say that far too much fuss is made about the stuff and even the blokes working down the mines mostly don't get ill and a single exposure won't do any harm. Find out in 20 years.

Still, for those in the trade with potentially relatively regular exposure I can understand the concern.

ETA Thanks for that pic Peter.

ETA Cubit, yes, I guess HandA had a day off that day. I know it's badly viewed but when he said he could just take it all down and bag it up I didn't say no.

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It was got rid of weeks ago so history now, you live and learn. They do say that far too much fuss is made about the stuff and even the blokes working down the mines mostly don't get ill and a single exposure won't do any harm. Find out in 20 years.

Really? on average 20 people per week are dying from asbestos related problems. Its a big problem and thats why there is a big fuss about it (Information sourced HSE website)

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We all mock at some of the extremes the on site elf n safety bod will go to in their attempt to justify their existence but there are some areas where it must be taken seriously. Asbestos it's right up there as one of the most crucial ones.

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Just bought an old doctors surgery to do up as a new practice, got the keys and thought I'd have at poke at a wall which needed a door put through with the keys to see if it was supporting or not.

Found this under some cork tiles and had a good s****e at it: (why can't I say s-c-r-a-p-e?)

And then the builder came along and said "careful, that's asbestos" :blink:

It looked like this after after his blokes got it all off:

Someone said it looked like christotile which apparently (hopefully) is not too nasty due to having straight fibres not curly ones.

Not an expert, but to me that looks like standard mineral fibre ceiling tile material ie not asbestos. You'd need to have a sample tested in a proper lab to confirm. You definitely can't tell what kind of asbestos from looking at the material with the naked eye. It needs to be examined under a microscope. Chrysotile is the "least dangerous" of the three, but they're all dangerous just the same and should be treated with the same level of caution and respect. As cubit says above, it's one of those health and safety issues that is a genuine concern.

Trade Member

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They do say that far too much fuss is made about the stuff and even the blokes working down the mines mostly don't get ill and a single exposure won't do any harm.

Most people I've met which where ill (well mostly slowly dieing) from exposure to asbestos where mostly employed as dock workers which handled the loose materials & often their wife's due to cleaning their clothes, & also ship yard workers, the other thing which worries me with this trade is the number of men employed in the connected trades all appear to be prone to stomach cancers.

The older I've got the greater interest I've got in looking after my health with PPE

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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