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Ssaib, Our First Visit Today


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I don't disagree there either cubit. But as consumers, aren't we mainly suckers for good marketing? To me NSI has been very good at that. Same with Bose. 1/2 the kit of theirs I buy is mid range **** with a ton of marketing around it. Do I still buy it? Of course, because it's Bose and that is the attraction of being an NSI company. The perception is gold means top dog, despite me seeing tons of Golds that don't deserve the medal. I can't justify in reasoned argument why I want Gold. It's pure marketing.


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Those with Gold accreditation or seeking it should be putting pressure on the NSI to promote the value to the end users.


I take on board Matts point about the value issue.  We can all either ignore it (note that this applies equally to SSAIB) or we can promote and educate and at the same time fine tune the process regarding tackling poor performance.


We can throw the lot on the scrap pile but let's be honest, what model would you replace it with that is better suited?



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I don't think their is any point pushing approval to end users, if anything it can hurt you. e.g.


Punter: ABC alarms is £X cheaper than you.


Us: Yes but they are sh!t


Punter: But they are approved like you and you said its very hard to gain approval and it means you're the dogs ********?


Us: Fu*k it just give them the job.

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I can see that issue. IF aproval was as hard to get as we all recon it is then it would be a huge selling point however with there being realativly no barriers to getting it I find it more of a box tick than something I shout about.


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I have had a very nice telephone call today from SSAIB,


All the hard work seems to of paid off, I do feel very happy with all the recent events and the direction my company is heading.

Starting tomorrow my company is SSAIB Accredited.


Thanks for all you input and comments within, its appreciated.

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