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Everything posted by norman

  1. Hello and welcome, have a look and apply for the trade side of the forum, there's more on that side.
  2. You sure, I thought they were after that?
  3. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.unison.org.uk/content/uploads/2013/06/Briefings-and-CircularsWorking-Time-Directive-On-call-and-Sleeping-in-ver12.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiV0_jSw-fzAhWUa8AKHbzpDfYQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3b0WnCzroeHqST90NiLXer
  4. Maybe it's 'a goodnight from him'
  5. I blame my age, but I had my eyes tested a few weeks ago and they were fine.
  6. I live in Barnsley, this makes Hull look like Hampstead and they're a quid here.
  7. Tbf 65p for a bag of Doritos is a bargain. You can't have it both ways.
  8. It will also drop out of soak back into the system after the pre programmed time if no activations are recorded, iirc activations reset the timer but I may be wrong with that.
  9. Flipping the ethical view, it'd be unethical for a business not to protect itself and subsequently it's employees against claims. Also as mentioned the programing is the intellectual property of the company, not the client.
  10. Integra iirc with a choice of lens colours.
  11. Probably something like that, fucking parasites.
  12. Issue is a half decent brief would have him out of court before you sat down.
  13. I'd let them take mine before fitting bollards on the drive tbf. I've done contactless for years but rarely use them now, I have all my cards on the phone for nfc now for a few years. Only issue I had with contactless was for months I'd been using the company cc at the supermarket, both cards in my wallet and depending on which way I held the wallet to the machine it swiped one or the other. Only realised when I took an ironing board back for a refund and they couldn't put it on my card.
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