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Texecom Ricochet Systems

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Hi there,

I know a lot of people don't like texecom but personally install quite a few and have one myself,

I've been having a lot of issues with the ricochet panels or hybrid panels (so a hard wired panel with ricochet expander) the issues I Commonly have are supervision faults and the fact that you are very unlikely to trigger a device when testing.

I know the devices go I to a sleep mode for three minutes when they trigger unless they are in "always awake" mode which I have been told by texecom to definitely not program them as.

I then said but it's the only way I can get them to work, his reply was "if it's polling, it's working" this simply wasn't the case. And with that offered no other ideas as to how I can get the system working.

I'm not a major fan of wireless but some people spend a truckload of cash refurbing a house then think, maybe an alarm would have been a good idea as an afterthought .

Anyway, anyone have any special tips when installing a ricochet system or getting them to actually work in a "reliable" way? (oh and the commissioning mode when connected via wintex to allow the system to "mesh" always gets a first try)

Edited by BRNYS8558
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That's the advice a few people have said, as in just stay away from the texecom wireless stuff, what would you recommend as a hybrid system, for all out wireless I've used Pyronix Enforcer panels and they've been pretty good with the exception of the key fobs being poop

Edited by BRNYS8558
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Yes put a working 2 way system in.

Cheeky i don't normally post in public but you have driven me too it.


That's the advice a few people have said, as in just stay away from the texecom wireless stuff, what would you recommend as a hybrid system, for all out wireless I've used Pyronix Enforcer panels and they've been pretty good with the exception of the key fobs being poop

PM me your number I will call you tomorrow. There is no issue with our systems and I can assure you they work.


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Yes put a working 2 way system in.


I don't see how that answers the question asked to be fair.

I would recommend if your in the trade you do one of Texecom's courses where you will learn how to install and commission these systems.


Conf Fail and Sup Fail issues are generally poor sighting of equipment or not commisioned correctly.

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Have to say I only have the one Ricochet system but it's in a very challenging environment (both in terms of RF and environmental for the rDTs), and has been fine so far from a radio POV.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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Just installed an 88 with about 30 richocet devices, went well, learnt everything in, left the lid off the expander whilst on site all day, security of the mesh was all green, good to go. Been in for over s week with no radio issues so far. Theis was also with external wireless detectors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like Ricochet but we've had a few bumps along the way, worse one being, we updated an old wireless job, so detectors went in the same corners to save client decorating.
Every single PIR that had a window in view has false alarmed since the install and we had to replace every QD for a DT. Fair enough if you put a PIR looking towards a conservatory, you're going to get problems, but the wireless QDs seem to false alarm really easily in every room with a window. You don't get that issue with wired texecom PIRs


Another biggy was, the QDs would walk test absolutely fine. Great, then if you set with the customer code and nothing would trigger. It wasn't the 3 min sleep timer.
Tech support said it was a bug and to make sure QDs are set to 'always awake'. We were expecting the batteries to get rinsed in no time but ended up swapping for DTs like I said above^


Completely our fault the other day though as it's in the manual, but if you don't have that lid off the receiver you'll get some devices working, and some not.

You'll only find out once you've packed your tools up and you've fully programmed it up. It will be late in the day too as you've had to program it for a second time because you've already had to change the brand new PCB earlier in the day as mains fail might not clear. That's a faulty PCB tech will tell you :-)

Otherwise I wouldn't fault it....  :signthankspin:

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You've had to replace every Quad with a Dual, is that correct ?  Is this standard practise, if so, it should be highlighted in their brochures... well before we decide to purchase. On another note there appear to be conflicting views in these posts with some urging 'stay awake' and others 'definitely not' so what is Texecom's unmitigated stance on the matter ?. On yet another note Admin advises 'two way', therefore the iMesh system would appear to be 'one way' ? 

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