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Kit comes with a remote control (like a car remote). Obv. you can add more. Then keypad can be relegated to programing only

and put anywhere sensible.


Is there not a cupboard under stairs type layout where you can go back-to-back with the unit / keypad and have partner approval? :)

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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An alternative would be Galaxy G2-12 fitted with C079 RF Portal & Low Cost IP module. For the DIY Installer, you're talking about an IP based system for under £250.


Again, keypad is hard wired to RS485 bus, but the system can be set/unset via RF fobs or IP based app.

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Oh Good......So for Texecom I can have remote keyfob and arm/disarm from outside monitored area....I need 4 keyfobs for the family. I can install keypad anywhere and wire to control unit for plan B or programming/whatever...just cannot install it outside monitored area as I do not wish to channel walls to fit it...just decorated and wife will go nuts!


Partner approval I guess refers to approving keyfobs?


Galaxy I'll look at but so far my preference is Texecom as it looks good kit.


One other point I'd like metal box but it looks like maybe I can get away with Premier Elite 12-W or 24W but so far only 48 seems to be metal.....no big deal just I like the idea of metal.


Also I assume box's can drive 2 alarm boxes with LED's and they are hard wired...wires already in with existing kit I plan to replace.


(hmm! forgot about gsm......maybe an add on or higher model...need to look...not essential but would be nice to have)


More questions to come I'm sure but so far thanks for great advice and the help.


Not sure if you can post here but any advice on supplier...I'm busy looking at 2 after googling and will build parts list to compare prices. Both look good suppliers.


Have to go out ( ok its an option) tonight but will continue to read/post as I can as I plan to buy this week if I can nail what I need.



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Hmm! Remote keypad wired! Its gonna be a big problem running in any wires. In fact might as well ignore remote keypad and just have keyswitch/keypad on control unit if I need to run a wire in. I was hoping to have wireless keypad or wireless keyfob so it could be armed outside monitored area...or wifi app and I use iphone/android on secure wifi and control box is ip hardwired to my network - i I guess it also needs option B with keyswitch or keypad in case wifi down.


Any options?

While I respect my fellow members opinions, they sometimes seem to forget a persons budget and real world needs, even if you can afford the best their is do you want or really need it in i assume a 'normal' house?

I'd ask If their engineers ride about in top of the range Mercedes estates or Berlingo's and to they always buy tools from snap- and RS, and never darken tne doors of the £ shop in favour of M&S.

Like many, i have been to meet clients who have had or know someone nearby who unfirtunately has suffered an intrussion, now they want every window and door covered, if an ant oasses wind they want to know about it - until they get the rediculously exspensive estimate i'm duty bound to offer ti give that security, then we sit diwn and talk sensibly.

Like cars we all have our favourite makes, for me with alarm makers it is Risco equipment, the MESH wireless is fine for high security, but is it needed in your home?

Risco Agility has a a fully remote wireless system, the only wire you need the the mains connection if you go gprs, you can have remote wireless fobs, and a free mobile app for either Android or Apple is available.

As far as signalling, you have the choice of PSTN (gives voice messages and operation via menu system), GPRS (over mobile networks, operates system via text, texts and emails any messages) and IP signalling, but this is an expensive module. you can have wireless camera detectors that take stills, then panel everything to Risco's own cloud server which is free, so if your phone is stolen you can retrieve images from any pc.

if you do go ARC, yes someone is there 24/7, but if you or your keyholders are not available to what advantage over durect system communication? Police are not intersted unless a neighbour calls, and if tney are busy elsewhere your lucky to get a plastic plod on a community bike the same day.

The Risco Lightsys can do all the above with exception of camera detectors (comming soon), has wired keypads and wired external sirens, and also allows hybrid wireless/wired detection as well as BUS connected addressable wired detectors making conection simple yet very secure using simplified wiring.

as to the tech used this has to be concidered in relation to risk to be covered, why buy a F1 car just to go shopping? end of the day it rings a siren, if it has a simple voice dialler, calls keyholders but self install is not allowed to call the Police direct or via an ARC.

tbh if you carry that much risk to warrant a super sophisticated super secure system, then you really need an installer than can offer the proper designs and backup, if you need it for insurrance that installer likely needs to be NSI or SSAIB registered, or you could buy the billy bee's system of any flavour but still not get insurred.

You need to think about the dark side if the coin, so about fault finding, what happens if you can't sort it out? you now have an exspensive but useless system, and likely a big bill for a half decent pro to attend and fix. I'm not besting on you, just making sure both your eye's are wide open. confidence in this trade is definately not competance.

i don't frown at you, but If you concider a trained pro can get better value out of a budget system than a keen amature can get out of professional system, it should be put it in more of a perspective what i'm advising.

If you want to get some idea of their abilities (as a user) before you buy then Google Risco Lightsys and Risco Agility, this should take you to a YouTube Demo.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Arfur if you didn't keep insisting risco tat was quite good id say more of us would actually read what you write. If all i used was parchment and quills id also say that parchment was top of its game. Try some other stuff or at least tell us why risco is better than x, y or z.

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But years ago the old stuff did the job, was cheap and worked well. We used the eurosec for years as our basic audible only panel. Its easy to push better gear but at that it works. I see the new stuff as a concern. Its not a finished product and i come from a castle background when it really wasn't. Siemens has probably the most flexible option, galaxy and tex are up there also. The rest at the moment are just noise, but risco are the quietist

securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

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