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Work Clothing


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We provide clothing wise

Boots, logod tshirts, logod jumpers, hard hats and logod wooly ones, logod high vis, logod high vis coats. But not trousers socks and underwear.

Id rather provide coats etc otherwise everyone does their own thing.

Yes this list is exactly what I am thinking. I don't mean thermals as in underwear, I mean wooly hat and gloves (gloves at a push).

But as things stand, we aren't provided with a coat, let alone a high vis one or a waterproof one.

I would have thought employers would prefer to provide as much clothing as possible due to putting logos on. Nothing worse than having uniform on but having a berghaus logo on your coat so the customer doesn't know who they are answering the door to.

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Im provided with T-shirts jumpers, hi vis and a fleecy coat thing ( its reversible). All logo'd up.

Can claim back so much on my boots ( think its £30) but to be fair I've still got a pair from 5 years ago, bit beaten up but they are rarely worn now anyway, stopped doing building site work a few years ago thank god!

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We provide.

5 x shirts

3 x trousers

1 x boots

2 x hi vis

1 x fleece

1 x coat

1 x gloves

1 x hard hat

5 x dust mask

1 x first aid kit

All the clothing has our logo on it.

As soon as they are worn we replace.

Safety glasses

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We get

5 T shirts

3 Sweatshirts

2 Trousers

1 Boots

1 Hi Vis

1 Jacket (warm and rainproof)

1 Lightweight waterproof jacket


Ear defenders

Dust Masks

Knee Pads


1st Aid Kit (every work vehicle should have one)

Hard Hat

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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Only obliged to provide relevant PPE.


However, if the employer wants to portray a good image then uniform/badged gear etc is recommended.

nothing worse than guys dressed like vagrants in a mishmash of old personal kit.


A sensible weatherproof coat would not be an unreasonable request. If he won't oblige, prompt him by wearing some outlandish ridiculous gear when you know he'll be looking. He should soon get the hint.

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When i used to employ-:

Hard hat, safety glasses, 2 fleece jumpers. 6 t shirts, safety shoes (nail proof), 2 cargo trousers, 6 pairs of socks.(so if the need to remove shoes they have no spuds), Heavy Fleece with hood, yellow waterproof jacket and trousers (cheaper than sacking cretin, fill with bricks throw off bridge),protective cloves (makes using those bricks safer).

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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