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Alarm Master Wont Conect To Word 2007


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how many times have i heard this!! we pay pc data hundreds in support each years and it's worth every penny..

I don't rate the support tbh, we provide a much better service to our clients but we need the updates so needs must and I don't give it much thought.

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I don't rate the support tbh, we provide a much better service to our clients but we need the updates so needs must and I don't give it much thought.

i didn't say i rated it, i said it was worth every penny! they aren't that bad - we've never had a problem which hasn't been sorted (eventually)

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I don't rate the support tbh, we provide a much better service to our clients but we need the updates so needs must and I don't give it much thought.

I think you mean a more personel service to your clients which i think is better for the client. I remember a time when it was that type of serice i wanted to offer.

The support from PC data is much like when starting out with a new panel as you need more when you start and after a while you need less as you understand the product. Im guessing you have pretty much got your head arround the product by now so your support isnt required as much. Again thats what we thought untill we started to demand more from the system compareble to using links, groups etc on a panel for the first time. Theproblem described here is not a PCDATA issue its to do with word.


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No i didn't mean a personal service, atleast 50% if not more of our clients have no idea its my firm. I mean sticking to what you agree and following things up.

With regard to AM we used base before so almost identical for day to day use, the issue was/is the fact features we were sold on don't function. I had to put it to bed as it became to time consuming, I will be having another go in the near future.

I also think the OP has a problem with word.

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This cracks me up.

People pretending to be an employee rather than the boss.

WTF is all that about?

Not sure why it would be an issue really? I sometimes play the "I just screw things to the wall" card because it's saves me agro..

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Thats 4 people I know who do this. And another who is a manager/Head Engineer, who also belittles his position.

What is the actual mentality behind this line of though?


I understand one bloke using a van for quotes rather than the X type Jag. As for the rest......................can you explain?

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Limited liability. People do treat you different if your an 'engineer' etc. Also I am never the decision maker even though i want to deal with that person myself.

I dont need to have a title on my business card, office door etc. Some do though

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Customers might think less of a company it means the boss has to go out on the tools. That isn't the case but some people have that perception. Some customer prefer the fact the boss is on the tools, again it's just different peoples take on it. We're not a huge company so most customers know it's my firm but I don't openly say that. It's not because I'm ashamed Paul (odd comment anyway) it's just easier sometimes to let people assume I'm not the guy who's benefiting the most from the quote I'm about to give them.

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