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I have to say CASH looks a hell of a lot easier than AM!! Can anyone confirm this??

I keep my eye on both. I am an a master user. Someone did a very good blog on here a while back and iirc is was a very balanced vie of a person with hands on experience of both DB. Each to their own, my pov is biased


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Sorry my fault I ment to quote what I was asking about.

I was talking about masmobile I like the idea of testing signalling with a mobile app.

I rang custodian and asked about masmobile and they said they will be rolling out smart touch soon.

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I keep my eye on both. I am an a master user. Someone did a very good blog on here a while back and iirc is was a very balanced vie of a person with hands on experience of both DB. Each to their own, my pov is biased

this fella ?

I did a brief blog about Alarm Master a while back http://wyatthaplo.bl...arm-master.html I have since been at my current job which use CASH for a few more months but i still feel that alarm master is better. I think Alarm Master is easier to use. The most important of which is the ability to look at when services are due. On CASH you have to build a query using the query database where as with Alarm Master you just click on the Preventative tab.

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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Sorry my fault I ment to quote what I was asking about.

I was talking about masmobile I like the idea of testing signalling with a mobile app.

I rang custodian and asked about masmobile and they said they will be rolling out smart touch soon.

Masmobile is really handy , use it daily gives signals , the paths they come over can view key holder information etc .

God send on a commission make sure everything going through as it should before ringing the ARC

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Sorry my fault I ment to quote what I was asking about.

I was talking about masmobile I like the idea of testing signalling with a mobile app.

I rang custodian and asked about masmobile and they said they will be rolling out smart touch soon.

Masmobile is really handy , use it daily gives signals , the paths they come over can view key holder information etc .

God send on a commission make sure everything going through as it should before ringing the ARC

I did say I would post a vid on the SmartPac mobile. Our engineers have one very big problem with it. The program times out after aprox 15 minutes which in essence renders it bloody useless. You put a system on test start your service and by the time your ready to get the results you have to log on again. Quicker to phone the office. I have been given a bull sh1te answer that the timer is for security reasons and this is what other company's want so the info isn't on a PDA to long. Another case of I know better than everyone else.


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If you worked for Hex you would have done your service and be on the way to the cafe in 15 minutes. :)

I know. The PDA app for mobiles is brill. But just like the rest of the manufacturers specifiers in or industry everything changes once they speak to alarm co.. I site the EOL as one such problem. Once EN was upon us I kid you not the number of reps that were teaching long standing co how to connect detectors was a joke. These pages rang in the problem that some peps were having. Panel manufacturers caved in and remade equipment so thick engineers can go back to DL wiring leaving the rest of us to endure. The same for the s touch mobile custodian are paying attention to the ill informed who in truth probably won't ever use the kit


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