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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. So what does the modem at the opposite end want to see? Do they have a spec ?
  2. Hik is widely used by trade and widely used by diy so bit of hit an miss with house bashers like me, good kit it seems, no real incentive for buyer / diyer Obviously the real alarm here have big contracts so they r ok, time will tell , something has to give
  3. I thought tool is naff haha , must be Chinese copy I had
  4. But the Gp only sees you for 10mins , I think they are way overpaid he's ssaib , and nsi go out there way to get registered and make sure they install to a standard (so do non insurance approved installers) But it's the only we you will get that £2500 if you get done over I think you should give him £350 labour So diy it And don't worry about the £2500 you might not get
  5. What are you missing..... That bit comes when you diy it , ask the local installers for more quotes now that you have an idea £250 is high? Tell that to your Gp, dentist , solicitor and that there £350 a day is high to, but then they are paid to do a particular service Sorry just an observation
  6. Which one are you using specific model it's quite simple or should be
  7. This is cheap! Cctv on app? Any specs for the Cctv? And what model visonic?
  8. May just required a reset , but if the battery was faulty which can happen, full discharge may have damaged the battery during the self inflicted power cut , better to take it out buy a replacement
  9. What's the warranty cover ? And is the alarm attached to your insurance ?
  10. Basically some would say your insurer may request an alarm to be fitted by a "professional" But if it's not , and you already got the insurance without it being a condition then you don't have to contact anyone Insurer may give you a discount but if you forget to set then you won't get jack And I said , you don't need to contact your insurer if there was no request to do so when you took the insurance out Of course if you get robbed and become high risk then on renewal they may request it , then diy becomes pointless But you don't have to contact your insurer for something that isn't requested by them
  11. The lock if it has two spindle holes should allow you to put a spilt handle on it , just try turning them to see how they are setup
  12. Try default engineer code , although no codes given out here
  13. What happens if you set them up outdoors at a shorter distance ?
  14. So remote access on a PC is the main issue now yes?
  15. So what's the latest diy your doing then
  16. Don't know much about these but you sure your not doing it to soon ie wait a few mins after arming then try and trigger see what it does
  17. You could be on to something!
  18. Is there a trade trade section yet?
  19. You need to go east London , engine rebuilds , gearboxes etc good prices to , west London is double the price
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