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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. I hate the "fault in memory" nonsense
  2. Looking at that frame it's messed up, you could drill in and out from the chamfer if your going enough If you ever remove the contacts which I doubt you can always have all the upvc repaired these days but if it's your windows you can do as you need to www.upvcdoctor.co.uk They normally charge for a set of windows in the big scheme of things it's cheaper than trying replace or bodge it yourself Or similar companies that was an example
  3. Hmmm looking at records from time to time , a third of that list is charged about £60 , and not allot of that is done
  4. Check id proper there's only room for one blagger here
  5. Seems your exit our at front door is permanently open circuit , could be cable or the detector hence beeping continues even when you get back I assume? You want to get an engineer to fix or yourself?
  6. You really need to give up the day job
  7. Ah ok helicopter chase yellow man running with Yale box
  8. Maybe you get one in traflger square poll tax style when they try and back out of brexit?
  9. What you mean fire alarm keeps going off You got a picture of when it's in fault?
  10. I don't understand it either and with my grammar it's saying something
  11. Yeah ion 16 seems to be the latest sparky panel being sold as an top ender waste of time
  12. Wait for galaxyguy and some others I used to fit them not anymore, not because it's rubbish mind you Have a look at selfmon aswell you can contact them to see there app options and what you can Mr galaxy might be on holiday , we need notifications when posting names might nudge him
  13. Geezer come you want to do all this protocol stuff ? Googling is easier https://www.security.honeywell.com/uk/products/intruder/control-panels/galaxy-flex/462175.html
  14. Honeywell flex ? Then you could use the galaxy selfmon app or the Honeywell app itself
  15. If your going to go through that better change the bell if you can afford to
  16. Any reason you won't upgrade it , even if it's another £60 panel
  17. Lol forgot about that classic ,.good reminder
  18. What you think is mostly measured? don't understand this stuff man
  19. Why not? Think about it the relay if always on will still have contacts that are open , which would close when the alarm is open
  20. Panel been installed a year? Is it a service timer?
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