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  1. Yesterday
  2. Thanks to all for those helpful comments. Much appreciated. The muppet is the wiser!! Mrala
  3. As above you need to disable the sab, self actuating bell in the bell. As H if its not pro gear or not installed properly then it probably won't work as it should
  4. You can't, they are designed that way...!
  5. The bell should ring as soon as the power is removed regardless of whether its on day or engineering mode If the alarm is old, diy or fitted by a muppet, it might or it might not ??
  6. I need to extend the cable connected to the external alarm bell. If I enter the engineer code, can I then extend the cable without fear of the alarms being activated? Mrala
  7. In case anyone cares- https://scontent.fhuy1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/439960524_10100286613633620_5418069429403384766_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=wN-L9hw0mVcQ7kNvgEgrhfa&_nc_oc=AdiNhsYMn3umtQAuQdcPy-p0UvTWN0uYB8JuLeOOmU0WjL7Srz9XF0ZNB_LWzbpxuzQ&_nc_ht=scontent.fhuy1-1.fna&oh=00_AfDAoUjAbu5MwvkXc5I-8FRQ7GkXyXnuKN6Yq69vP0J8Ew&oe=663BA2AE a hardware picture found on facebokk...
  8. Last week
  9. Concerned about competence to do this with the questions your asking and also as it's the DIY section... From what you say I assume it's a PE48. You should do auxiliary equipment like this with isolators adjacent the control panel. So an output drives a transistorised relay for the "armed" and "primary" but go via an isolating keyswitch for testing. You don't explain what brand sensor you are using but I would have it drive a relay with the relay output connected to the "secondary". All of this stuff would have it's own 12v boxed supply and electrically isolated (galvanic) from the Texecom system.
  10. Invert the 2 negative output? Or Use relays from the neg outputs? Use a relay board on the Stu outputs if it's a 48? Add an expander with 8 outputs? Whatever works for you ?
  11. In short; The 375 Smoke Protect System requires primary and secondary triggers. Both must be external 12v to trigger the smoke generation. I've taken the primary 12v from the bellbox (bell) trigger. The secondary should be from a PIR to detect motion in the room the smoke system is installed in before activating. I've attached manuals to both systems. Please note that OPT3-4 is not available on this system. I need to trigger the secondary on 375 smoke protect with 12v coming from the PIRs however the pirs I have are resistance based and do not output 12v on alarm/trigger. What can I do? Protect 375 Installatie en gebruik - NL53.nl.en.pdf
  12. It a euro 46 with 76 zones as far as I'm the 46 did more than 46 zones ? It might have done 76 but I would have to look at the book... There is a plastic hybrid panel with built in radio coming... For the last couple of years Does the 280 do the app ?
  13. Certainly going around the houses so to speak Think the previous one "76" was more under the Castle Brand before the buy out, not too hot on the old ptronix Castle 10-44 10-76 44 76 162 Pyronix 46S and L now 76S and L with the new firmware and the 280 New 280 LOL there can see why they've rebranded it but it does look a bit comical
  14. We've launched a new panel - the EURO 76 James adds i thought it already existed. Was the euro 44 then the 76 then the 134 announced before my kids were born? i wait to be corrected.
  15. Earlier
  16. good news how bad were the ones you had? or was it range etc? ie what did you have before and what do you have now
  17. I bought some better quality contacts and wired them as in my pic and so far they are working fine thanks for everybody’s help in the matter
  18. ill keep doing my best.. to break ta
  19. Never on mobile but nothing seems broken yet
  20. Cool dude , but I do also agree with what your saying , after all , you guys got much more experience than me in this industry Ask for a free connection to try it ? For your premises
  21. Hopefully nobody noticed but there have been a few upgrades on tsi. Mainly aiming for speed improvement on mobile mainly if anyone has seen a speed increase.
  22. Be interesting to know a little more about it. Maybe an actual reason to got to the nec
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