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Security Installer Community

Harrogate Security - Birstall. West Yorkshire

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This is the point though is it not.


The value of approval is the value of approval.  Currently the NSI accreditation is not understood or valued enough by the average layman.


We should be able to proudly boast about our approval in the same manner as travel agents do on their own adverts to say 'ATOL Protected' or 'ATOL Assured' .  We should similarly be saying 'NSI Approved' or something on the same lines..


This requires a large amount of marketing in the right areas by the NSI though to educate people about the different types of approval and why using an approved installer is important.


Fortunately, with the advances of the internet a huge marketing campaign does not have to be expensive, just time consuming.



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And the required height according to the affiliated bodies for a sounder is?.

don't think they specify, why do you ask?

And the 'approved' height should be?......

think you already asked that didn't you?

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Above knee height? :whistle:


the correct answer is - as high as you can off small steps because we don't carry proper equipment because we're a mickey mouse guarding firm playing at alarms?

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