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Quantum Evo H.264 Qe16Xxxh Remore Viewing On Android


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2010 its saying its needs no upgrade on firmware ..

i see the upgrade as a point but checked i guess it was done prior to my ownership from a site with upgraded kit so came to me cheap but easier than my old quantums so snapped it up...

alter ego is that just an observation???? :o)

must admit i thought that ref point first i tried but with it failing i thought i was missing somerthing saying like that AE it makes sense!!  der!!!!

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There are two different Quantum versions out there and one of them does not support the Q Remote app. I can't remember the specifics but there is a letter in the serial number that will tell you if it's compatible or not.


Are you getting any error messages when trying to connect through the app? Are you on a LAN or WAN?

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hi am on wan i think and i am getting error messages  " no login response" it is a h.264 unit


so perhaps a new check on the firmware is a must to see if it will update if there are 2 versions ??? if not q remote is there a generic app one could use ???

Nah they sell some decent kit, the q remote app is ok.

its ok for mere mortals like myself,  the gods buy better gear!!!

thats because the tab is picked up by someone else.... :o


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on that note does anyone know where i can download it i have looked on norbain but could see it so if anyone knows or can send me a file with i'd appreciate might as well do it as a "rule out" process

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I bought it used from a retired cctv engineer  who's grandson who is selling off all his collected gear!!! for his own pocket and i think cant the old chap can't be arsed to get involved so leaving it all to the grandson to sell on ,  yes a used item!!! but other than the android viewing it was a good buy and it works better in set up and remote view on my pc than my other dvr's i have all, mostly honeywell, and  other quantum vistas. thought I'd try one of these as i looked up it would support remote on a android...


looking at a full 4 acre install at the mo at my home and all my existing kit will be not used after massive upgrade so anyone interested in giving a quote on 9 fixed , detection,3 speed domes and full monitoring  interested in either ..... analogue, hd sdi and analytical systems or a combo of all three or 2  to suit application via a dvr/nvr email me ...or as advised...


all my existing kit will be a sell of bonanza on ebay!!!  it might help pay for the new install.   but in the meantime i need the remote viewer in my phone.... so back to the problem...


anyone interested pm me

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