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I would rather buy a big rotty dug than a Yale system. Only problem would be picking up ***** for the next 15 years.

Atleast you could bin the dog **** instead of having it screwed all over your house.

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tbf and objective, I have never used a Yale system and whilst I suspect they may be cack they have a market and do all of you above have experience of them?

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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tbf and objective, I have never used a Yale system and whilst I suspect they may be cack they have a market and do all of you above have experience of them?

At a previous firm we "maintained" a hsa3200 or something . Pile of cack it was. But the 80 year old seemed to like it.

We were forever changing batteries in it for her as she didn't want a new system.

Also fitted one a few month ago as a favor for a friend of a friend. (they were police officers if I remember correctly) lots of breakins in the area.

Did advise them it was a pile of steaming @$%€ but they had already got it off amazon.

To be fair they are easy to fit and setup come with a telephone lead and uk mains plug.

A pain in the **** to fit like a proper alarm tho

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tbf and objective, I have never used a Yale system and whilst I suspect they may be cack they have a market and do all of you above have experience of them?



Hence I feel I can comment. They may have come along and now even say they have a graded version IIRC but I still would not trust it.

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