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Everything posted by datadiffusion

  1. Not quite, for Scantronic (AKA Eaton) would would need an I-On 40H (not just i-On 40) which is a very similar to the 9561 but much better, the Euro Mini I don't think supports it, the Texecom you need to add a SmartCom unit (I believe other members - they are not on board now are they?).
  2. The best replacement would be something like a Scantronic 9651, Pyronix Euro Mini, or Texecom Premier type system. The cheapest would be the first 2, but all of them will work with your original wiring, bell and keypads - you will need 3 new keypads though. However, you might like to take the opportunity to add internet 'cloud' type connection to your system, which would be a big and useful upgrade.
  3. Well, yeah but no but yeah I wish it didn't (at least, not without flicking a switch...) and the RF was 2 way as the i-on has been capable of since launch!
  4. I am guessing you have a 9752 or 9853 - is it a square main system case or an oblong one? The 9930 keypad is obselete, but a 9941 or better yet 9943 if you want fob will do the same job. You'll have to wire the keypad, of which you can have 4, back to the nearest other keypad, expander, or the panel. The keypad only uses 4 wires so assuming it's all done in 6 or 8 core wire, you could use the spare, as long as they aren't already in use, for the EOL door contact. Or, as it's already a wireless system, add another wireless door contact? Even the newest Eaton slim RF door contact will work with an older system. (You could even add an expander if you are wiring to the nearest expander or keypad, but seems a lot for just one zone, and it would have to be the larger 9853 system for there to be 'room' for it)
  5. User @Dklemm hasn't logged on for 2 months but there is always hope...
  6. I suspect another one-time-wonder poster who's already fixed it or moved on to DIYnot and won't be logging in again any time soon.
  7. I think the main sentiment was not to waste time on a duffer rather than a specific recommendation TBF
  8. A bit (a lot!) more information as to how you got to this situation would be useful Panel model, new system - installed by you - has it ever worked, your experience with Texe etc...
  9. TBF you'd REALLY struggle with a lot of SPC without the web browser or serial/USB PC interface, I remember trying to make a few comms changes via the keypad and giving up, getting the laptop out...
  10. Not really much to move to these days, bet any moving these days would be circular! e.g. used to use Texe ten years ago, tried Pyronix, moved back to Texe, etc... What made you ditch Risco, although it has a bad rep I guess it is technically stable, just a bit esoteric?
  11. Yeah avoid the 'Al-Yeti trade-only bargain souq' page like the plague
  12. Yes, I had no idea they were still in business, as a separate concern. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.5509089,-2.1908994,3a,21.7y,253.61h,90.24t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZ-aX6tfjyAG-WZ_t6KrP_A!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DZ-aX6tfjyAG-WZ_t6KrP_A%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D159.96461%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656 A tiny 'A' number industrial unit which is clearly enough for their national reach, with a cool derelict mill behind! Reminds me of the TATE unit in Cheddar, tiny for a firm that seemed bigger than they were.
  13. That's very odd, I have never seen that before! I mean, on ours there is (at last) a light switch on the rear door, and one on the dashboard too, so seems really strange. Lights are on a timer on ours anyway, every time engine is started they go off anyway unless you hit the button to cancel timeout. That black mutlicolour panel you see about 45 degrees left of the PIR is duplicated in the dash normally (9 times out of ten) and it has the lightswitches duplicated on it. I love they way that in 2019 they still fit bare 12v terminals in the back - I bet they didn't get used in 1989! Although I did once hear a brilliant story. A man arrested on a ward in the early 70s, they had just got a new defib, back then they were mains powered, 13A plug, of course, but the ward still had round pin sockets. So an enterprising junior doctor ripped the plug off the end and stuffed it into the round pin socket, jamming the wires in with whatever he could find!
  14. Indeed enough chat As it's Christmas, lets talk turkey...
  15. That's interesting, are you here to try and flog this or share it with us?
  16. Is this the rebadged Scantronic 9600, right?
  17. Nah, I can't use it in any meaningful way and I can't imagine there is anyone out there that can or would. So, for twenty quid they can stick it
  18. This caught my eye before I'd even seen the description, the double RJ's made me think it was an adaptor of some kind... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/174137801577?ul_noapp=true Official Scantronic ISDN adaptor, who knew?
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