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Everything posted by datadiffusion

  1. Afraid as per swb this is a fairly complex panel, programming it will need a lot of thought... If you can I'd take a battery, the panel, keypad, and ethernet cable and a laptop to a quiet corner of somewhere and have a play. Avoid the cooper UDL it will only cause more confusion, it is not laid out in a particularly user friendly pattern. You'll have far more joy with the built in webserver. But you'll need to set this up which has a little manual of its own available from cooper.
  2. OP, I cant see any optex contacts on the EU website See hee for how EOL resistors work... http://www.gargoylesecurity.com/DownloadableFILES/End%20Of%20Line%20Resistor.pdf Its not perfect and the lack of pictures is lame but its a start You do NOT need 12V to the door contacts! The CQR SC570 are OK. I've got them in my home (and only at home, I don't fit them as a rule) You will not need to fit resistors to these. Just cut two wires. The manuals should explain. For scantronic, the shunt is 4.7K and the loop is 2.2K
  3. In theory yes he should, but something tells me it's not so much a package as a handful of grade 1 door contacts and optex savers chucked into a box... Not as such, all 16 on board zones (its a handy panel, with on board ethernet and very reliable serial webway support too) are fully programmable EOL. But you can program any number as a 'global tamper' or simply a tamper (but cannot assign them as a 'tamper to' other zones as such) As I said to someone the other day, it says a lot that Cooper / Eatons latest product is a fully CC 10 zone expander. EOL obviously a bit much then. Hmmm, I'm saying all this, maybe it does have an 8 zone CC mode. Never looked, never needed to. Def. all EOL out the box.
  4. Are you sure? I didn't think they made door contacts. Not being picky, we do need to know. Either way they (ideally) need to be the types with EOL resistors built in, but suspect they aren't if its a kit. Like he said! I think there is about 600mA going spare on this panel so guessing 6 PIRs will be OK. But a fair and relevant question for the OP to confirm. However, sounds like there are two bells and the built in speaker driver takes a hefty wack, 150mA I measured I think. If used.
  5. OK, this is more a generic alarms issue than anything do with the Ion. First things first, what make of PIRs and door contacts are you using?
  6. Hi, I've installed a few Ions so maybe we can help.
  7. That's the issue I guess. From a customers POV, when is the last time they switched on their BT vision box etc... and couldn't get TV? Even I can't remember the last time I had no internet, think it was last year for 20 minutes and I was straight into 3G.
  8. Love the way the keys double up as a handy pair of nunchucks... Thats what I call security!
  9. Reminds me of those immobiliser keys you'd see on an XR2 and the like!
  10. Just seen the datasheet, loving the electronic key!
  11. The Chubb angle must shurely be a franchised or bought out name only, with no links to global head office re: quality etc...
  12. @ OP Unfortunately the DVD analogy is flawed as all DVD players will play a DVD, and all will play that DVD by you pressing the identical 'play' button the the remote. As you say the differences are clear. However, with a CCTV system the equipment differences are just the start of it. Its not about what you like the look of, the coolest brand, or what the man in the shop recommends as it will depend entirely on the minutiae of your premises and your needs. It is often not possible to give advice without knowing what it is you are trying to achieve and what your premises looks like. This is all before we have even considered how you are going to connect it all up, which, I hasten to add will be a bit different to connecting two HDMI leads. You keep assuring us you are competent to connect it up, but that is rather like me saying I am certain I can drive a tank, I just need someone to tell me the best one to get. I am not sure what you mean about the decline of the UK security industry, It exists by supplying services to paying customers, unless I grossly misunderstood the game plan here?
  13. Don't know Cubit, that effort you knocked up for the last SSAIB AGM looked OK...
  14. Sort of just been to one, but, can;t say too much as the site will be swamped if I give too much away... Goodnight!
  15. Ah, bit of charlie. Sorry, paramedic intuition.
  16. Been exploring Might post some pics (cue Norms jokes about homosexuality...)
  17. Surely just a free showing of a **** film at the local multiplex though rather than red carpet at lie-cesster* square *as the yanks pronounce it
  18. Used to live near QPR and couldn't get home one day thanks to Cardiff / Swansea fans (I forget which) causing every police riot van in London to form a barrier about 3 miles long... trashed every pub near the ground. Prob.
  19. What are the quads for? As in, because Siemens don't do them and you find them useful or is it simply because they are HKC wireless?
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