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Everything posted by PSE

  1. SIS Insurance, That's who were with They are dedicated insurers for the Security Industry
  2. Used loads of these, they are a good unit for the money. Installed two 15TB units last month, I like them to be honest.
  3. PSE

    Android App Program?

    Next week I'm told,
  4. I can grab the Elite's off the shelf tomorrow. It's just that there were earlier comments regarding FA issues ? I might grab a couple tomorrow and give them a whirl.
  5. Looks like he found his way up the menu to confirm devices.. You're not the first and won't be the last Once configured and commissioned correctly, in my opinion it's the best wireless there is on market
  6. Have you personally installed a Ricochet system, And installed by following the exact commissioning instructions . ?
  7. Shame, I've got some going cheap... Lmfao
  8. Ricochet mesh is 2 way, that's the whole point of the technology to give you the performance. Its not 1 way where you can spit further
  9. 1, The build 2, The wiring space, 3, The stupid plastic screw that shears 4, No rear cable channels 5, Unable to secure the lid if the wall is slightly out 6, $hitty plastic screws snapping 7, Smaller in size, not a direct replacement Do I need to go on, IMO They are Pooh... I've already returned a pile a month or so back, Had no choice today but to use hem
  10. PSE

    Android App Program?

    Call it a seed code, security code, Its just an extra level of security, An engineers username and password is ok, But why not have more security
  11. PSE

    Android App Program?

    That part is not set in stone how this will be handled, but there are a few ways we could do this Although it is going ahead now, Its still going to be tweaked over the coming weeks. This is why I want to post a small video of it up on here, so I can get feedback some on it.
  12. I know this has been discussed a few month ago, I'm sure by now you've all see this new total bag of pooh DT8016FS Duel Tech that's replaced the 7450EOL I've had to do an upgrade today, to add another adjacent warehouse to a system we installed just 2 months ago All the original detectors are DT7450, Good, Well build & robust units with zero FA issues for me. I've been forced again to use these newer DT8016 units and they are an absolute bag of F*CK*NG SH*T I've tried to find a supplier today, Nobody has the 7450's at all... I even called Risco "Yes Risco" to see what they offered, But their prices are laughable on their I-Wise Dual-techs We need to buy some in, but something that does the job well. Risco want £19 for a G2 Digisense and £29.80 for a G3 with AM Them prices are pathetic, I was paying £15 for the DT7450 in either Qty of 1's or 20's.... Can anyone point me in the right direction Thanks
  13. PSE

    Android App Program?

    Also forgot to add, That it will check the account number to see if its currently in an active maintenance agreement If its valid, it will issue the codes out, If its our of warranty or out of contract then it can only be generated by the office or my master user rights This is something I wanted adding in, to make sure that there are no naughty foreigners or backhanders being done without me knowing about it.
  14. Most of the earlier Netgears only support DynDNS as an option.. Thanks another issue you may have
  15. Who their provider is will depend on how quickly it keeps updating, You can use the DUC client from No-IP if they have a PC running there
  16. PSE

    Android App Program?

    I've been giving this some more thought over the last few days So I decided to give our web designer a call and see what can be done Apparently, its an absolute doddle to add this to our engineers portal, only half a days work. So, I have instructed him to crack on with it as soon as possible and lets see how it performs. Basics on how it will work are; It will require a seed code can only be changed at the office by myself, Lets say its set to 0123 Engineer logs into our online portal Once logged in, They will need a valid contract number By entering a valid account number of 5555, and a system number of 001, This will generate a batch of codes for the site So, all the codes will revolve around the seed code, customer account number and the system number The unique codes generated will be G2 & G3 Intruder, Both 4 & 6 Digit along with random codes other scopes we provide This is a typical output it will provide; G2 IAS - 2598 G3 IAS - 157956 Access - 8768 CCTV - 6587 Every action from the point of the login screen is logged by the server, Any code outputs for high value sites will be denied depending on engineer rights Once its finished, I will upload a small video of it for your opinions, But I think it will more than do the job I need
  17. PSE

    Android App Program?

    I'm interested in this idea, I see it as a step in the right direction to be honest... The golden question is, Whats it going to cost me to get a more polished version of this for iOS
  18. I've got around 300 or more mixed in the van, Might be time for eBay then.... Cash them in
  19. I've got a customer with it, it's a pain in the ass They're running a Premier 48 and a Dvr through it with the lighting and audio kit via IPads Everything is dealer based, I looked into it but it's a closed shop so I was informed by them
  20. Change to a 256 or you will have a door stop
  21. I've got the following firmware available, V8.02, V8.13, V8.15, V9.02,
  22. All Premier 88 PCB’s prior to issue 13 were fitted with two 24LC128 in the sockets labelled U9 and U10. From issue 13 onwards, they were fitted with a single 24LC256 in the socket labelled U10. If the PCB is prior to issue 13 or has two 24LC128 fitted, they must be removed and a single 24LC256 fitted to the socket labelled U10.
  23. I have the files, But cant upload them as you're not a Trade member Get yourself registered here as a full trade member and I will give you a download link for V9.02
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