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Greedy Con Merchants

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ok expert ;)

but a week earlier he did not know the sab knackered :P

Tony I assume your retired hence filling your days tinkering with alarm for friends, family & neighbours.

Sorry Mr Happy the post was not mine. rjbsec seems to fully understand the reason for my anger and if I was a potential customer he would get my vote.I asked for reasons not excuses. I started work when I was 15yrs. and retired at 65yrs.The first alarm I worked on was in 1960,and was I/R beams with air pressure switches on strong rooms.I have been called a CHEAP SKATE! I have worked for 50yrs -One wage,3 children and a wife.Worked every hour God sent, including on call Chrismas,N/Year etc. Neither am I senile.(I doubt he would even wade through it all, let alone understand it enough to reply to the issues raised ) Over the years I have defaulted several panels to factory settings.Issues raised-The house is just an ordinary domestic residence.If the instalation had been left as I leave my instalations then I would have just connected thezones without any need to default the system. which is about 3yrs old.When I was last in my wholesaler I raised this issue with a group of instalation engineers and they were of the same opinion as rj bsec and myself.I didn't light the touchpaper and retire, as has been said,I have been away baby sitting my grand daughter while my daughter was in hospital for her 2nd baby - and my 6th grandchild and my son-inlaw was out earning a crust. Since I first posted I have had other things on my mind and this has given me time to calm down.My next move is to contact the instalation firm to check if they will unlock the code and if the cost is prohibitive then I will change the PCB. I still stand by my opinion. I don't disable any possible programms on a panel because the user will not use it. When I was working I had to get instalers back to site after the waranty period to reset the panels back to factory settings and the I would install our own engineer codes unless there was a service contract put in place,And I was on such good terms with the regular engineers that I knew their access codes.

The comparison with cars-I have recently changed my car and imagine my surprise when I found the rain sensor and the automatic light sensor hadn't been disabled and I can still get Classic FM, in spite of telling the salesman I didn't require them

Regards to all.


PS. some of you will find your'e hands will be warmer if you wore gloves instead of fingerless mittens it might be difficult picking up the pennys. :bruce_h4h: Again thanks to rjb sec.


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If you are an engineer why not apply for trade membership.

You may find the discussions in the trade area useful. :yes:

May I ask what panel it is that is locked? If you are verifiably trade we could possibly assist you.

Oh, regarding the car analogy, when my mate bought his passat, I enabled a few features that were disabled by default, such as anti-car jack central locking, making the alarm chirp when arming and other daft little things like that, the manufacturer charges extra for some of those features. ;)

I'll have to agree to disagree with you on the locking of codes i'm afraid. :mf_swordfight: But I understand your point of view.

I'm disgusted that the radio still plays classic FM by the way :whistle:



PS. some of you will find your'e hands will be warmer if you wore gloves instead of fingerless mittens it might be difficult picking up the pennys.

I only ever once dropped any money,

I bent down to pick it up and it hit me on the back of the head.... :P

Service Engineer and all round nice bloke :-)

The views above are mine and NOT those of my employer.

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Sorry Mr Happy the post was not mine.

Apologies, I miss quoted you.

When I was working I had to get instalers back to site after the waranty period to reset the panels back to factory settings and the I would install our own engineer codes unless there was a service contract put in place,And I was on such good terms with the regular engineers that I knew their access codes.

:hmm: why would anybody be dumb enough reveal engineer codes to any not employed by the company. Just think of the implications

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Neither am I senile.(I doubt he would even wade through it all, let alone understand it enough to reply to the issues raised )

Tony, I think you misunderstood my post.

I was commenting on the quality/quantity/readability/accuracy etc. of the responses, not you or your original post. ;)

Or maybe you really are going senile - first member to admit being older than me :whistle:

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hi tony,

it can get a bit rough on hear, especially to us 'older school' guys (just read my posts if you have a month to spare), sometimes due to trigger happy young gun's - who have not been slapped lately (i blame Dr Spok) or what is banter which comes across fierce in print.

before you change pcb's enrol as trade and loads of real help is then on tap to you, please don't take offence and blame the many, due to the actions of a few who use badly placed or constructed 'quips' while thinking they are cuttingly whitty :whistle::no: .

some will never progress further (pride before a fall and all that) but they have to try somewhere to find that out for themselves :rolleyes:

right you young whipper snappers - who wants to be next to find out :bruce_h4h:


arfur_mo ;)

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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just read my posts if you have a month to spare),... or what is banter which comes across fierce in print.

MONTH!! you mean 3 ;)

I agree with what you say regarding text as being cold, it's often difficult to work out the context that remarks are ment in from written word, the emoticons/smilies do help on this score though. :)

While thinking they are cuttingly whitty .

The site does have a vein of sharp humor / wit running through it. The temptation for a tounge in cheek comment is often overpowering, and to be fair some of the one line replies have been outstanding. :roflmao:

right you young whipper snappers - who wants to be next to find out :bruce_h4h:

Bring it on old timer. :sothere::eekout:



Service Engineer and all round nice bloke :-)

The views above are mine and NOT those of my employer.

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hi tony,

it can get a bit rough on hear, especially to us 'older school' guys (just read my posts if you have a month to spare), sometimes due to trigger happy young gun's - who have not been slapped lately (i blame Dr Spok) or what is banter which comes across fierce in print.

before you change pcb's enrol as trade and loads of real help is then on tap to you, please don't take offence and blame the many, due to the actions of a few who use badly placed or constructed 'quips' while thinking they are cuttingly whitty :whistle::no: .

some will never progress further (pride before a fall and all that) but they have to try somewhere to find that out for themselves :rolleyes:

right you young whipper snappers - who wants to be next to find out :bruce_h4h:


arfur_mo ;)

Hi arfur.Sorry to nitpick with your spelling.I Know the W is just above the S on the keyboard so might I suggest you cut your nails prevent future miss spelling. You've started something now. There will be a long queue with some of the lads on this site who would enjoy you giving them a good slapping,and some might even pay for this service. Bellman might be 1st in the queue. Can I thank you all(rjbsec, arfur mo,bellman) for your input even though I don't agree with some opinions posted.Regarding the original post, I contacted the firm concerned and they quoted

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