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Respect To The Installers.


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It's been a while since I've done a full install, but I agreed to fit a domestic for a friend in need.  Jeez, I had forgotten how much work it is and why I write software now.  I just can't imagine doing it day in day out. I was shattered after it.


An 8 zone install on a Galaxy G2 with Ethernet in a bungalow and it took 8hrs solid working on my own.  The house had a previous owner DIY install, but it was a mess and more of a hindrance, so I had to rip out and bin wires and all.


Felt a bit sorry for my friend as the companies she had out to re-do the plumbing and re-wire electrics hadn't done very tidy jobs.


Respect to the guys fitting tidy hard wired systems.

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