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Two Irish Nuns


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we've always taught our kids to be open minded and respectful when it comes to religion. But I still remember vividly the day my son came home from school and told me when they were singing hymns in assembly he refrained, when I asked him why he told me they didn't make sense to him, he was 6.


Lucky for him, had my parents called in when I questioned 'the whole thing' during RE at a similar age... And it wasn't even a particularly religious school!

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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The best way to be, I've got a couple of friends who are into religion to varying degrees, I don't have a problem with it,

one is a bit of a converted happy clappy type, ex-drug fuelled raver you get the picture, but you do have to wonder with the other
if the sole reason was the parents bringing them up with 24/7 believing...

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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The institutions can never seem to to come up with a logical explanation of how their religious teachings (often nothing more than dogma) sit happily with the explanations of all things scientific, especially the big bang.

They can't have it both ways.

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But they can Cubit, "...'cos you've got a closed mind". "Then so have you" is always my reply...

Hmm :hmm:


I'd like to think not, but when the teacher says God created the world and makes no reference to all things scientific then takes the Science class and says physics/big bang is how happened - with no reference to God, it does beg the question.


And lets not go down the jesus route. Miraculous conception. Walked into the temple and told the money lenders to do one. Took on the might of the finest army in the world.

Try that today and see where it gets you.

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Religion was only invented to control the great unwashed and give the allegedly cleverer mortals something to bragg and preach about, and as a backbone to extort vast amounts of cash from the less well off, beggars belief really, but it has been around forever so not going anywhere soon, and actually most politics is just the same. Nothing changes, hey ho.


My RE exam in school i wrote an account of my experience watching the first star wars film, i got a d as the story was well constructed and i spelt my name right. Gave me a certain amount of satisfaction at the time.


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