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Risco Agility 3


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Agreed, manufacturers need to be involved, how the hell can they do their jobs if they don't talk to the people who use the kit?

Indeed. I am find it very useful and interesting getting involved here. It would be good if more manufacturers where on here and a few more installers for that matter.

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I suppose its unrealistic. Each Saturday I spend quite a few hours installing windows updates and various other software patches to address tons of issues but think not much of it as it's always what we've done. An alarm panel then it's taken as outrageous you should have to do such a thing. Webway issue tons of firmware updates. In 18 months there have been circa 12 but most of these are feature additions rather than big fixes. I suppose what would be nice is if the alarm panels had their own 'windows update' feature so it just did it rather than a visit with a laptop. I'm sure if hkc have it in time others will follow.

Windows update has caused pcs to crash due to variations in setup that where not tested. Are you sure you want alarm panels to do this?

Put of interest, does HKC auto update or is it user or engineer triggered?

I am sure we will do this and quite soon. I just worry for the day a panel crashes due to an update and there is a loss.

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The only reason GPRS will interfere with the radio is if you put the antenna lead for the GPRS right next to the antennas, it will be the same for all panels not just ours, the power output of the GPR, canm cause issues, Simply route the GPRS antenna cable on te opposite side of the box and problem solved.

Same advice for Enforcer GSM but we have not had reports of issues. I think the way modern two way wireless repeat lost signals will overcome other interference in the most part.

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We have fitted several Premiers over the last year and have only had to flash one after install. Most updates are not critical and depend on what features you are using

Any comments / opinions posted are my opinion only and do not represent those of my employer or Company

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Panel wise have u looked at the quantum?


Is that @ me James? If so, no!

Gprs shouldn't be an issue. 4g at the lower freq might though. Panel wise have u looked at the quantum?


TBH with the iOn it was just messing as no room in the case anyway (to also close the lid)


Again I assumed harmonics as so close to the main GPRS module?

The only reason GPRS will interfere with the radio is if you put the antenna lead for the GPRS right next to the antennas, it will be the same for all panels not just ours, the power output of the GPR, canm cause issues, Simply route the GPRS antenna cable on te opposite side of the box and problem solved.


Good to hear rather than 'we support Webway GPRS but not within 30m of the box'!

So, I've decided to take my work back underground.... to stop it falling into the wrong hands


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Windows update has caused pcs to crash due to variations in setup that where not tested. Are you sure you want alarm panels to do this?

Put of interest, does HKC auto update or is it user or engineer triggered?

I am sure we will do this and quite soon. I just worry for the day a panel crashes due to an update and there is a loss.

While possible, it is far less likely than a pc as it has no where near the mullions

of variation issues to cater for.

The advantages being is where older stock is perhaps used, it is brought up to date or catered fir if not possible, when installed.

you just have to hope so are the manuals, which is not a strong point of most manufacturers.

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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