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When We No Longer Have Nsi/ssaib Will We Run Our Arcs From India?


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I must admit I thought I'd never see it happen as if somehow the UK would be immune to any downgrade of living standards that the rest of the world has. I am a major believer in capitalism. I have a child in private education but I am far from sharing a view that takes any pleasure in seeing normal people suffer which is one of the reasons for my original post. You could rephrase it, what stops my livelihood that pays my bills been taken away from me and me not having the means to live. Answer, not a lot.

Think is though, it is easy to point out a problem but do we have any solutions?

I'd say it was a safe bet. Emizon boards are done abroad and Emizon only have 1/3rd of webways connections. Got me thinking now, I'll ask the question as I'm interested to know why.

can I ask why you keep feeling the need to refer that you have a child in private education...

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In this context the relevance to an elite club. Only 9% of children are educated privately and many would argue are given an unfair advantage in life by their start in life. In context of your point on the suffering people currently are going through I thought you'd be very anti me throwing a persons wage at my child's education when someone else can't feed themselves. I thought in some way you'd see me as part of the problem.

I have visited a UK ARC and watched them handel a fire in New York. I assume this works in reverse. So perhaps it has already happened?

Fire a different kettle of fish as 5979 not required as is for police type a. That requient goes then I see no issue and to a large degree I would like to see the shifts split between time zones so no one doing the dreaded graveyard shift. It surprised me to a degree it has already happened but seems silly to keep it country specific, especially as we work to eu standards why shouldn't a uk arc monitor Spanish alarms and vice versa?


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In this context the relevance to an elite club. Only 9% of children are educated privately and many would argue are given an unfair advantage in life by their start in life. In context of your point on the suffering people currently are going through I thought you'd be very anti me throwing a persons wage at my child's education when someone else can't feed themselves. I thought in some way you'd see me as part of the problem.

Social climbers are the worst....what do you pay a term....

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Good point Cubit. You not share the view us Brits are in a bit of danger of work extinction by automation and BPO?

I do share that view, but not necessarily the reason why.

Multitude of reasons why the country is sinking into the abyss, not least of which is education. In that i include schooling, further and higher education and importantly, trade training. Add into the mix attitude of people towards work - and very often the attitude of management - and it's easy to see why the Corporates shift production elsewhere. Elsewhere being where they have very different attitudes to skills and personal development.


Bit a lot of people seem to miss is that for automation to succeed, clever feckers have to implement, which brings us neatly back to education, training, attitude etc.


Been working in a somewhat depressing environment for last couple of weeks. Total us against the Management attitude about the place. Sadly, having witnessed the general behaviour of the staff, i have to agree with why management adopt the stance they do. Depressingly, i'd say only one in ten staff show any enthusiasm to making their daily schedule productive and satisfying. The rest go out of their way to be difficult, moan and find reasons not to do a better job.


Having worked in The Far East, i can fully understand why some companies shift production out there when the above is taken into account.

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I'm a firm believer in so much if you bitch and moan about the company that pays your wages, feck off and go somewhere else. 

You do exadurate

Clearly no private education for you tubbs.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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