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When We No Longer Have Nsi/ssaib Will We Run Our Arcs From India?


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Just another thought that popped into my head. How much of the gear we install day to day is made in England. I know my webway boards are but I don't think anything else we use is. thing is though, why isn't it viable to do it here?

Matt stop being a *****,your a working class kid from no where,you never have and never will be part of the elite,like everyone on here,if you put profit over the needs of your fellow working man,your more shallow than I thought...

When did I claim to be part of any elite club? ( apart form the ats fanboy organisation of course )


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Just another thought that popped into my head. How much of the gear we install day to day is made in England. I know my webway boards are but I don't think anything else we use is. thing is though, why isn't it viable to do it here?

you know why...greed/profit....

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you know why...greed/profit....

By buying these products, are we not condoning and contributing to problem? I've no idea why webway don't manufacture abroad. There maybe good reason or maybe proud to be British but their competitors don't making them less competitive by having higher build costs?

steal for food....

I wondered if the uk could become a 3rd world country. Sounds ridiculous at first, but not so if you think the knock on effects if we continue down this path. Are we in some way to blame that we aren't competitive on a global stage?


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By buying these products, are we not condoning and contributing to problem? I've no idea why webway don't manufacture abroad. There maybe good reason or maybe proud to be British but their competitors don't making them less competitive by having higher build costs?

I wondered if the uk could become a 3rd world country. Sounds ridiculous at first, but not so if you think the knock on effects if we continue down this path. Are we in some way to blame that we aren't competitive on a global stage?

It's not far off,people do steal food,food banks are growing,some choose to heat or eat,kids go hungry,and this Is the uk in 2013 when shareholders need a profit they ramp the prices to heat a home....great isn't it...

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I have no idea why they would have their boards made in the UK.  Perhaps volume is still too low to make the jump...   I'll bet a majority of their components are all coming from Asia though...

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I must admit I thought I'd never see it happen as if somehow the UK would be immune to any downgrade of living standards that the rest of the world has. I am a major believer in capitalism. I have a child in private education but I am far from sharing a view that takes any pleasure in seeing normal people suffer which is one of the reasons for my original post. You could rephrase it, what stops my livelihood that pays my bills been taken away from me and me not having the means to live. Answer, not a lot.

Think is though, it is easy to point out a problem but do we have any solutions?

I have no idea why they would have their boards made in the UK.  Perhaps volume is still too low to make the jump...   I'll bet a majority of their components are all coming from Asia though...

I'd say it was a safe bet. Emizon boards are done abroad and Emizon only have 1/3rd of webways connections. Got me thinking now, I'll ask the question as I'm interested to know why.


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So the fact of the call coming from abroad isn't actually what gets to you. It's the knock on effect to our society that is the issue? If so I share the concern. If 80% of our jobs are either done by automation or outsourcing companies it doesn't look great for joe average does it. But a private business is just that, designed to maximise profits for shareholders and if outsourcing can get the same result for less you can't blame companies for doing it. It is the governments job to look after us (oh dear, were doomed) not the job of private companies.

A somewhat simplistic view of a companies need to maximise profits for shareholders.

Depends on the product and the market.

Sensible companies often implement a strategy that utilises the local/regional workforce. Afterall, if the locals have no money, product dependent, the company has no sales.

$$$$ signs don't always = maximum profit/returns.

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