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*****, just lost a long reply so sod it.


Wed kept you within law, you obviously researched it.


My one was when managing the metalworks gate company, they made the effort and it was too cold even to work on the factory floor so all sent home on full pay with the possibility of the next day off fully paid if I called them.

I did and we lost a bit of work time and fabrication but then they came in on the third day they were happy and willing to work harder to catch up.


There ls the difference in my book.

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I assume a lot and am probably correct in saying you went out on a limb if you had not researched.

And you are not one to blunder in. I know from experience.


I still feel the attitude was incorrect and a few tweaks of wording would have gotten some staff in when you would not expect and the others take it as a friendly comment on the possibilities.



But yu mention tomorrow and Friday in the same, are you sure this was not sent on Thursday?

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it was wednesday but it was sent by the office. Wed late on but still wednesday.


the 1 day thing was luck not judgement but we still failed there as according to the bbc thing it needs to be twice the notice.

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That was my main point, although it was new one on me and I should have known as being manager.

But I still say it could have been worded differently especially for the workers with children. I would in all honestly expect a single worker to have tried to come in.

Then again this is not an ideal world, but some compassion/flexibility shown does wonders for moral and teamwork IME.

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Jesuz! Makes you think about getting rid and using sub only. Saying that mine don't seem to be up much on playing smart *****

That's the way I normally feel but 3 subbies today refusing to go out because of a few flakes.


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