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Dpr Secure still claim to have Approval To Use Ssaib Logo From Ssaib

DPR director

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This week has been a long week of people slating DPR Secure.

I can assure you all that we work very hard and are a relatively new company trying gain a foothold in the marketplace of security and cctv etc. We formed from a merger of 2 companies one been a property specialists and the other an established, small, security company. The wealth of experience between the two is paramount in our goal - to be up there with the best.

We have fully qualified engineers and all is above board.

We are in the process of becoming ssaib fully paid up members and have paid our fees/dues to date. In the meantime the ssaib has said that we CAN use the logo as long as it states that we only use ssaib contractors for all our monitored systems of which we do and the ssaib are very happy with that. Most of our customers do not require ssaib certification and therefore do not pay for this service.

We are also seeking NSI Gold and aim to add this to our ongoing commitment to our clients.

There a few people (Newbies) on the other forum that appear to be defending ourselves but please note I am not aware who they are and as some of the comments are not too favourable in the fact that they are personal between others it is a good job I do not know or we would investigate to see if these are in house throughout our 20 or so employees. I abhor the comments on the C word in there I must say having experience of that in my family also.

Trust me we are an honest and hardworking company and you all know (other forum) you cannot find one scrap of evidence to say any of our works carried out are not good.

Thank you

Marketing Director for DPR Group

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No company, even those approved by the SSAIB, are allowed to use the logo you have on display. The logo in question is SSAIB's trading logo, approved companies display a different logo. This of course is something you would know if you were approved by the SSAIB.

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We are in the process of becoming ssaib fully paid up members and have paid our fees/dues to date. In the meantime the ssaib has said that we CAN use the logo as long as it states that we only use ssaib contractors for all our monitored systems of which we do and the ssaib are very happy with that.

Marketing Director for DPR Group

Well i for one beleive that this conversation took place.

Just about sums up and reinfoces my opinion of the SSAIB.

As for those in the trade that this type of decept affect i would be on the phone to your worthless toothless inspectorate immediately with the strongest concerns.

As to the honest part of the responce "You can build a 1000 fine bridges but it wont make any difrence if you get caught shagging one sheep"


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This week has been a long week of people slating DPR Secure.

I can assure you all that we work very hard and are a relatively new company trying gain a foothold in the marketplace of security and cctv etc. We formed from a merger of 2 companies one been a property specialists and the other an established, small, security company. The wealth of experience between the two is paramount in our goal - to be up there with the best.

We have fully qualified engineers and all is above board.

We are in the process of becoming ssaib fully paid up members and have paid our fees/dues to date. In the meantime the ssaib has said that we CAN use the logo as long as it states that we only use ssaib contractors for all our monitored systems of which we do and the ssaib are very happy with that. Most of our customers do not require ssaib certification and therefore do not pay for this service.

We are also seeking NSI Gold and aim to add this to our ongoing commitment to our clients.

There a few people (Newbies) on the other forum that appear to be defending ourselves but please note I am not aware who they are and as some of the comments are not too favourable in the fact that they are personal between others it is a good job I do not know or we would investigate to see if these are in house throughout our 20 or so employees. I abhor the comments on the C word in there I must say having experience of that in my family also.

Trust me we are an honest and hardworking company and you all know (other forum) you cannot find one scrap of evidence to say any of our works carried out are not good.

Thank you

Marketing Director for DPR Group

Did you manage to keep a straight face when typing that fantasy?

What a load of old tosh.

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DPR director. Before this topic goes down the path it appears it is. I assume you have that in writing etc just to protect yourself from the advertising standard agency etc. It might be an idea to put that up.


securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

Trade Members please contact us for your TSI vetted trade discount.

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In the meantime the ssaib has said that we CAN use the logo as long as it states that we only use ssaib contractors for all our monitored systems of which we do and the ssaib are very happy with that.

No worries, do you have a contact within the SSAIB who I contact to get this confirmed ?

There a few people (Newbies) on the other forum that appear to be defending ourselves but please note I am not aware who they are

Yes its a complete mystery to find who these anonymous posters are on the internet.

For example "zimbabeck" has posted using the same IP address as "DPR director" & used the email address of a 3 letter Wakefield security company to register, it sounds just like a case for scooby doo....

Does anyone have his number ? If I where a betting man I'd have fiver on DPR ltd; hanging out in haunted fun fair?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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Contact is David Profit

Re IP etc.

Well its obvious its in house then isnt it but that does not mean I know who they are.

Grow a pair of balls.

With regard to SSAIB, that is the man you would speak to about logo use, and he is just about to get a phone call.

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