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Silly Question...

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Guest anguscanplay
I could

LOL ............ you could silence it maybe but not defeat it.

the classic " thiefs bypassed an elaborate security system " tag line from the local newspaper is just code for whacked it with a sledgehammer

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Shielded sensdor would help but not remove the possibilty if a well placed magent but on most sensors it would be very critical as to where if it worked at all, but

A grade 3 sensor would detect masking, some grade 3 would detect you approaching the sensor to place the magnet while unset, but in answer to your question.

Try it on a grade 4 (ie the siemens unit) and it wont make a jot of difference.

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Tried some optex pirs for a test earlier out of curiousity and they didnt do very well at all....

They look like they were working (led flash on movement), but the output was totally over-ridden so a panel would have no idea they had triggered.

Wondered what models. Appreciate we cant post here but have photo of before & after upgrade by Optex. (nothing great just before reed relay, after opto relay - and magnet out of pencil mrc.) But they changed that over a year ago.

Had an attempt at a takex point 2 point with a magnet the size of arfurs ovaltine mug. Dunno if magnet attempt failed or idiots collegue was too eager, cctv was inconclusive. Just goes to show though, they're out there trying.

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Well, considering alot of approved companies struggle to follow regultions/standards, I'd say it was fair to assume most unapproved companies don't have copies of them, though if anyone can prove me wrong...

oh dear, this seems to remind me of where i 1st came in :rolleyes:

having a book (or a library of them) don't mean you read,

but having read it don't mean you remmembered

having read, remembered, it don't mean you understood

having read, remembered, understood don't mean you applied what you learnt

so as for appling - well i see at least one system per month that fully supports not many approved companies do any of the above



Can go smaller, can get it to work with them about the size of a rollo (bit smaller than a rollo)

Didnt need to glue it on either, it just stuck to the pir due to the metal inside it...

Guess a non-moving relay would be immune, not got any to test at the mo tho.

the above raises the issue's on 'remote mantenance',

imo just proves it is not a viable or sensible proposition to leave a system 12 months with out the skilled eye being cast over a system. absolutely fine for remoting in to check zones are open on a CNS, circuit ressistances etc prior to a visit to aid the engineer in faster repairs.

but how are you ever to see such things like new partition walls, new curtains obscuring etc etc fridge magnet attached to pir's and so on?

asa the the original concern, when you try these things on a bench detector thats fine you can mess to your hearts content, all that will hapen is your relay will or will not show action on a meter or test panel.

now try that in a 'live' siuation, not impossible perhaps but it's going to be a hell of a hell of a lot trickier with an armed system properly designed.

i went to an atempted intrussion some years back when tube and baten frames were the main form of window protection, freezing cold fecruary night this guy had bypassed 3 of the bars and could have got in at that, but decided to do another just to be comfortable - and triped the alarm.

made his escape but left a nice new bag with nice shiney new tool kit complete with receipt - and wait for it - a creditcard slip behind :rolleyes:

had a sneaking admiration for his skills might even have been an ex alarm engineer, just shows what seems easy is not always so.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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end of the day Arf having copies of the BS & EN standards is better than not having them at all.

what anyone does (or does not) do with them is better than people questioning, discussing, debating and referencing things they do not have.

As for finding a qty of systems (1 per month) that don't comply from accredited companies: 100 times as many firms don't fail to comply because they don't aim to comply.


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