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Remote Servicing

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Ok this might sound like a stupid question but I've only recently started looking into remote servicing. I've been programming most of my panels recently by laptop and as the downloader software I use can be used for remote servicing I took an interest. I think I have a basic understanding of it but am yet to put it into practice. From what I can gather I will need a 56k dial-up modem to connect to the panel tho. Is this right? And is there any way I can connect to the panel via a broadband connection?

Help would be much appreciated


Scanny 957uk modem sorts most scanny panels, see IP link below for other stuff.

I've got a trial version of downloader that works with vista (v 1.3.50), but use partitioned HD with XP, cos I'm lazy. (point being check youve got a recent version)

Generic external (old) dial ups are better than built in "pseudo" modems as far as scanny go. But you need the old OS to go with them lol.

and not all panels have an IP module - correct?

Apparently these work with most panels. (dont know tbo as aint had a play yet).



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what modems are compatible for the Gardtec 595 panels?

despite all the modem profiles only the MDX multimodem pmcia card version works, its generally obsolete, but gardtec will supply you one - for a fairly high price imo.

so i got mine off ebay for

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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lol, see i tried a multitech for use as above but kept getting comm lockups between insite and gal gold (before rss) so now have dedicetd modems for gal and castle. About to build a dedicated server for arm but this will only be for the gals

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