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Smart2 Dvr Screen Splitting


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I can see it perfect on the post and via the link.

Just bear in mind when viewing this file that it was an 11 meg avi file, it has been reduced in size, converted to flash and compressed to make a file only 170KB in size, it is not intended to represent the actual recorded quality and is only hear to better demonstrate the playback over a network not being in realtime.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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It works for me on the direct link. Thats exactly how mine plays back. It also plays back like that from the monitor as well when I am in Triplex mode if I press q-paly or play on the remote.

Hi Steve.

I emailed you a reply more or less as follows;

Please note these are generalisations but important to convey the point that different DVR

System Q Ltd.

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Thanks Paul,

I have replied to your email. I do fully understand how the compression works and the difference between MPEG4 and JPEG2000. I work in the computer industry and compression and encryption are one of my roles. I also really do favour JPEG2000 over MPEG4. The quality of the recording is one of the reasons that I went for the Smart2.

The remote view utility is not my main priority, but surely it should play back in realtime on the main unit which at the moment it does not. Also, there is no reason why the footage cannot be downloaded to a PC so that the recorded file can playback in realtime even if the LAN speed is not fast enough to display direct in realtime. An option could be given where physical data is downloaded to the PC given a start and end time and then the physical file played back in realtime. For evidence purposes you would use the DVD or CD option, but if you are checking up on something then it is much more conveniant to download 2 or 3 minutes of footage to the PC and then play it back if you are remote. At the moment even when you playback and seelct the record button from the remote view utility, the recorded file still does not play realtime. Although the LAN or Internet may not be fast enough to display 25 frames in one second on the screen, if those same 25 frames were written to an AVI file then that should be 1 second of data when played back.

Any new unit takes getting used to but I went from a unit that was working perfectly to a unit that appears to have a fault. A faulty machine obviously forms a bad opinion, especially when it behaves as if it is a feature of the machine rather than a fault. The more I use this machine, the more I like it ( excluding the fault of course ).

Once my initial problems are sorted out, I will have no hesitation in recommending the Smart2 DVR.



Hi Steve.

I emailed you a reply more or less as follows;

Please note these are generalisations but important to convey the point that different DVR

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Service Engineer and MILLWALLFC,

Could I just confirm something with yourselves.

Could you please confirm the following ( I know you have said once )

When the machine is in Triplex mode. Can you hear live audio through your speakers? After a couple of minutes of recording in this mode, if you press the Q-Play button on your remote control does the recorded footage play back in realtime whilst still recording new footage, and can you still hear the audio that was recorded?

SystemQ are investigating my problem but the impression I am being given is that the machine is supposed to behave like my one is. I am told it is a resource issue with the machine prioritising the most important tasks. I just want to be sure that it is not the case in your machines. They are investigating further and will come back to me later on.

I know you have said once but I just want to make absolutely sure.

Many thanks.


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Just had my 8ch Smart2 a week now. The only issue I have is the remote view. It seems to work for about 30 seconds and then lockups. Possibly its my uplink from my houuse is 380kb/s. My slingbox copes with this but not sure if the dvr needs more bandwidth/speed. Also for some strange reason remote view only works if the Belkin router firewall is switched on. Turn it off and even though port forwarding is still working you get know picture.

Who is the manufacture of the DVR is it SystemQ or are they just the uk trade supplier ?


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Is your DVR set to Triplex mode? If so, when you playback from the unit ( not using the remote view software ), does it playback in realtime ( press q-play on the remote control ). I am not sure if SystemQ are the manufacturer or the distributor but thats where my problem has progressed to.

Maybe your firewall needs to be turned on because the port forwarding is part of the firewall module, so when you turn the firewall off, you are effectively disabling the port forwarding.

Just had my 8ch Smart2 a week now. The only issue I have is the remote view. It seems to work for about 30 seconds and then lockups. Possibly its my uplink from my houuse is 380kb/s. My slingbox copes with this but not sure if the dvr needs more bandwidth/speed. Also for some strange reason remote view only works if the Belkin router firewall is switched on. Turn it off and even though port forwarding is still working you get know picture.

Who is the manufacture of the DVR is it SystemQ or are they just the uk trade supplier ?


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Is your DVR set to Triplex mode? If so, when you playback from the unit ( not using the remote view software ), does it playback in realtime ( press q-play on the remote control ). I am not sure if SystemQ are the manufacturer or the distributor but thats where my problem has progressed to.

Maybe your firewall needs to be turned on because the port forwarding is part of the firewall module, so when you turn the firewall off, you are effectively disabling the port forwarding.

Yes I am in Triplex mode and I can view realtime video from the dvr. Must admit I havn't tried the q-play button. My port forwarding works for my other servers even when the firewall is turned off so there must be something else changing when the firewall is turned on. Trouble is the Belkin modem has so many hidden menus that its difficult to keep an eye on what gets changed when the firewall is running.

I may consider changing isp to increase my uplink speed as BTYahoo seems to manage about 380kb/s with maxadsl. This may solve the remote lockup problem.

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Hi When i get in tongiht i will try the Triplex mode however i dont have any audio so can not test this.

Yes recording through Remote view is a nightmare it seems to play back so slowwwwwwwww e.g. not in real time. Also to i have a fast network at home and work in IT so this should not be a problem playing it accross the network.

Then the recording takes up a massive file. The time bar as you suggested would be nice to get rid of in an upgraded version so you can specify the time you want to search for.

I have tried the CD backup. I'm not sure if im going to have problems with this. I can put a start time in but it never allows me to enter a finsih time. However this maybe because it thinks it can fit it all onto a CD so why would i want to stop it early.

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