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Everything posted by MrHappy

  1. Being stalker I often spot its the owners, directors & staff giving rave reviews
  2. life's too short.... just buy the proper gear it work much nicer & a keypad & plaggy endstation is less than a hive thermostat
  3. put your pile of poo veritas in the bin & buy a pile of poo premier to go in it place if you can't afford less than £200 to buy some better controls you shouldn't be bothering to automate anything
  4. if the NVM is "locked" the code remains the whatever the pervious co. programmed it as... any 1/2 decent co. could probably sort something out ..
  5. house alarm few hundred quid, house quite a lot more.... when you brought the house you should have ensured you had report at the vendors cost that the alarm was maintained I think there a bit shite...
  6. mickey mouse speech dialler or a digi ? I suspect both will have issues as they have timings & wait for tones between the automated actions I haven't connected anything to a phone line in years TBH
  7. or just use the output & inputs that are already in the cabinet ?
  8. 8:30 to 11:00 to change a 9651 to a p48 inc moving spur, with ewd + decoy 1hr for panel 30 mins each for ewd, decoy & rkp There's probably a further day to add other expanders & circuits & cat 5 for comms
  9. your looking for wanky tat going cheap on ebay ? a proper co could have connected it to a proper ARC via IP from at least 15 years ago ?
  10. yes, however a half decent is worth there weight in gold
  11. A half decent surveyor would ensure you did ?
  12. I always thought when you purchased a house you got the certs for the recent testing of the electrics, heating & alarm ect.. ?
  13. that's the default engineering code. its asking for user to allow you to enter engineering
  14. okay... However, I'd tell you to piss off ?
  15. Don't use 'em.... I'd assume final door or Exit Terminate is enabled ?
  16. sorry we don't share engineering manuals(copywrite) it should appear via a google however it of the age where ripping it off the wall & buying a new one is better idea...
  17. A Waitrose? Pah, there's even one on the edge of happyland....
  18. from your link - & using google - I'd assume this (no idea where it is but its new & old)?)
  19. going off topic, this copper cladded building caught my eye, I assume it will go green with age ? or get nicked & cashed in at the scrap yard...
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