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Everything posted by MrHappy

  1. Jef's paddy mates reported a tsunami when you went paddling....
  2. did jimmy fix it for the fat lad to eat on the blackpool roller coaster ?
  3. alarms, the loneliest trade. When independence comes, I'm certain your pals at TSI will send a food parcel when the country implodes. You may have to batter the enclosed mars bars to suit your local custom but hey its the thought that counts
  4. "Boss code" on the old board was just the 1st eng code, a 2n eng code could be added which could not delete or change the "boss code"
  5. theres lots of different boards, with a no. of different features... I'd assume the tamper issue could be diagnosed in the normal manner with mutli meter on ohmns
  6. sounds a fancy bit of kit default eng is 1234, which IIRC was the "boss" (which is an old r8+)
  7. NCR, 2k for AM Mobile is okay if we have a good yr but I ain't got the time to **** with it to make it do what I want...
  8. http://www.enterprisesecuritydistribution.com/
  9. 1/2" tube alloy tube, & glav fitting come from enterprise ect...
  10. I run old office versions (as I'm cheap) googling for outlook plug in http://www.e-mailresponder.com appears to offer time conditions believe you could get a exchange plug in howver I assume the above will be cheaper (there's a 14 day trail)
  11. within outlook there is the "out the office assistant" will allow you these time conditions ?
  12. OP is in South Africa Thats the Cornish for you....
  13. Phone (nexus 6) did audio directions though phone kit (bury 9060)
  14. As I understand it SBS has been binned & I'd need a 2nd machine to run exchange ?
  15. changing stuff takes a lot of time, Don't have the time or VC money to burn, Have loads of stuff I want to tweak but suspect there little change happening any time soon ?
  16. apart from a grandstream handset there nothing changed on our IT for ages, Tower SBS 2003 in cab, Xp desktops HP switch, cisco router I also have 1 asus vesa mount PC which has been been unused on the back of a mon for a yr, don't like the idea of all AIO pc's
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