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Everything posted by MrHappy

  1. http://www.enterprisesecuritydistribution.com/
  2. 1/2" tube alloy tube, & glav fitting come from enterprise ect...
  3. I run old office versions (as I'm cheap) googling for outlook plug in http://www.e-mailresponder.com appears to offer time conditions believe you could get a exchange plug in howver I assume the above will be cheaper (there's a 14 day trail)
  4. within outlook there is the "out the office assistant" will allow you these time conditions ?
  5. OP is in South Africa Thats the Cornish for you....
  6. Phone (nexus 6) did audio directions though phone kit (bury 9060)
  7. As I understand it SBS has been binned & I'd need a 2nd machine to run exchange ?
  8. changing stuff takes a lot of time, Don't have the time or VC money to burn, Have loads of stuff I want to tweak but suspect there little change happening any time soon ?
  9. apart from a grandstream handset there nothing changed on our IT for ages, Tower SBS 2003 in cab, Xp desktops HP switch, cisco router I also have 1 asus vesa mount PC which has been been unused on the back of a mon for a yr, don't like the idea of all AIO pc's
  10. OP, why pop around a local alarm co. after they've gone home.... I'm certain you'll find a better set alarm panel chucked their bin
  11. using my telepathic alarm engineering powers, I think it's ducked. BTW the letter between D&G on keyboard doesn't work
  12. Personally I'd rip the whole lot off the wall & stamp on it, If the system was installed properly I'd hang new device on the old wires
  13. CS send a excel file that I can pop it my database, I'd be happy with a PDA which sent jobsheets as an excel file for human to press the import file button...
  14. Thinking about it, shouldn't a very basic import a jobsheet from a field based PDA emailing across glorified spreadsheet data be low /no cost option in 2014 ?
  15. I'd retain top copy for office, should the cleint have a dispute the top copy is liable to have the clearest writing after its been stood on in the ect...
  16. why does the banner say "PRIVATE SCHOOL" ?
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