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How un-helpful can we get..? :angry2:

A question I should not be asking myself. :no:

These last few months this community seems to have lowered itself yet again by on numerous occasions being rather un-helpful, disrespectful and be-littling to our public members. There is NO excuse for this, it does nothing for the reputation of this community and it's Trade membership.

Recent PM's to myself from many PUBLIC and Trade members have been to complain about various replies to publicly asked questions. It is my opinion that if any member has nothing useful to add to the origional query then he should not bother to reply.

Any replies to posts in the publicly viewable sections of this community should be made in a proffesional, curtious and respectful manner.

If you do not want to help a member, then do not reply to his question.


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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Well said. I have noticed a holier than thou attitude amongst some here. Too much sniping at others and threads falling well short of the originally asked question.

Every one likes a bit of banter (and bully) but some take it to far.

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I agree that some replies are out of order to the point of being rude, but in all honesty some people both amongst members here and from visitors clearly need a sense of humour transplant.

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I agree with dave totaly. Some of the comments to the pubic are disgusting and out of order people come on here for help and get told to get an engineer. If people wanted to get an engineer they would have gone in the yellow pages. They come here for advice and assistance not for snide comments or to be told to get an engineer straight away when the basic thing we could have helped with. I've even helped someone via email just to wire a simple bellbox cause no one would help him. I think this forum needs to be more helpful to members of the public.

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Bass, i find myself disagreeing with you here, so basically they want us to tell them how to fix it for free, with full and detailed instructions. Im sorry i for one dont agree and why i dont reply to these posts unless its to say, 'i think you need an engineer' or 'press reset'. If its a simple user error then fine, but if its a link out the tamper type question i wont be assisting in those. You neednt have replied over email why didnt you reply in the topic?

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Bass, i find myself disagreeing with you here, so basically they want us to tell them how to fix it for free, with full and detailed instructions. Im sorry i for one dont agree and why i dont reply to these posts unless its to say, 'i think you need an engineer' or 'press reset'. If its a simple user error then fine, but if its a link out the tamper type question i wont be assisting in those. You neednt have replied over email why didnt you reply in the topic?

If people install there own alarm we shouldn't help them all we can. I would never help anyone that required default/manuels/ or live 240ac mains. But on some topics here we could have been more helpful this is what the forum is all about. This guy asked this forum for help connecting a ADE Reason8 to his galaxy he bought it himself and installed it himself all he wanted was to know was where the connections went where. He was told by the forum to get an engineer why should he. The guy bought all the kit himeself and installed in himself. why should he pay for an engineer to come and do a simple thing. I'm not going to argue there are many post's on here that the member didn't get any help. But just a load of insults/remarks/critism. We are suppost to be here to help

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i have to agree here with james if we tell all the public members how to wire a bell box, how to programme a panel, why something goes into alarm when the lids opened, and how they can stop it happening, b4 long the security will not be security anymore and we'll all be out of work as the joe public will be doing all their systems themselves.and then theres the customers of companies whats to say they arent burglars or theives?? thats what they pay some of us professionals to come and make sure their premises are proteted. and it also makes the security more secure as only limited people know what to do with the systems. etc.



I don

System Q Ltd.

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How un-helpful can we get..? :angry2:

A question I should not be asking myself. :no:

These last few months this community seems to have lowered itself yet again by on numerous occasions being rather un-helpful, disrespectful and be-littling to our public members. There is NO excuse for this, it does nothing for the reputation of this community and it's Trade membership.

Recent PM's to myself from many PUBLIC and Trade members have been to complain about various replies to publicly asked questions. It is my opinion that if any member has nothing useful to add to the origional query then he should not bother to reply.

Any replies to posts in the publicly viewable sections of this community should be made in a proffesional, curtious and respectful manner.

If you do not want to help a member, then do not reply to his question.

QFA Well said.

i have to agree here with james if we tell all the public members how to wire a bell box, how to programme a panel, why something goes into alarm when the lids opened, and how they can stop it happening, b4 long the security will not be security anymore and we'll all be out of work as the joe public will be doing all their systems themselves.and then theres the customers of companies whats to say they arent burglars or theives?? thats what they pay some of us professionals to come and make sure their premises are proteted. and it also makes the security more secure as only limited people know what to do with the systems. etc.



Its not about how technical people are getting, its what is being said in the reply that is the problem. If the advice is "get an engineer in" then they only need to be told that once. If you don't know or use the panel, do you really need to post and tell them so, or would it be better to let someone who does know the answer do it.

Many people come on here looking for support for many reasons, most of the time we wont know the circumstances, so to judge someone by their one and only post is wrong. Sometimes its better to post nothing if you don't know or if someone has already given the answer, its not necessary to "QFA" or add techno babble to the post :)

Google is not always your friend either :whistle:

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(robfountain @ Feb 7 2007, 09:11 PM)


When I unscrew the alarm box in the cupboard, the alarm sounds until I put the PIN in to reset it.

How do I stop it doing that!? I'm trying to install a dialer.


Thats what its supposed to do.....????

Here is a fine example of how helpful we are from another post. All was needed to be said was that the alarm panel had gone into tamper mode and only an engineer could really silence it and we would not be able to assist with engineer aspects of the system.

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